Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

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Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by francine »

We're going to get an early start on planning the next event...

Can you please email me with your opinion of this year's event...
what worked- what didn't - do you think we should go back to the community center- do you think that the swimming played a big role or could you do without it - how about the clown and the little gym programs.

What about the lecture / talks... what would you like to see in this area next year?

We're just trying to figure out what really worked and what didn't so that we can make the appropriate changes for next year.

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Re: Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by Beth »

Let me start off by saying that we had a great time at the picnic and appreciate everyones hard work who was involved with the picnic. I think the timed appointment with the Dr was really great because if you had a later time you didn;t have to sit around for hours and hours. Sparkles was really great and the kids had a great time with her. Although we did go in the pool we felt rushed trying to fit it all in and it was kind of hectic changing and unchanging 3 kids. The pool was really cool but I guess we could take it or leave it. I prefer to have it outside where the kids can run and play but it was nice not to have to worry about the weather ( even though it was a beautiful day) Thanks for listening.
Kathleen M

Re: Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by Kathleen M »


I think the picnic ran very smoothly... Everyone had a choice of things to do... playing, swimming etc..

I did not swim, I did not play but I enjoyed meeting everyone...

But we did some adult/obpi bonding... for Nancy, Stephanie and my self...

I thought the Community center was great... I want one like it here!....

You all did a great job... I enjoyed watching the kids playing and enjoying them selves.

I loved having the speakers... and hearing different point of views... and enjoyed the presentation by Dr. Nath.

Joann in PA
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Re: Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by Joann in PA »

Hi Francine! Was just thinking it would be a good idea to get some input from those who have attended the PA picnic in years past as well. I've been attending the PA picnic for several years now and have always enjoyed it so much. There are definately reasons why those who always used to attend don't anymore and these views are just as valid to look at as those who did attend I would think. There were several reasons we didnt go this year. We always enjoyed the outside, down home feeling of the picnics at the playgrounds. Yes it was cold and rainy last year but in years past they were always held in September when the weather was more pleasant and the pavillion protected against the rain. If I remember correctly in the beginning the picnic was just bring your own food type of gathering. Then the Cirenos foundation started picking up the cost of the food and everyone could give a donation which I always did because I appreciated what they were doing so much. I'm sure what went on at the gathering this year was worth the $18 per person but in my opinion it was too much to spend for what used to be a nonformal gathering to share information and support each other. These are just my thoughts on the subject. I missed getting together this year but as I may have said before the friends we have made through the internet and local gathering have become our personal support group and I wouldnt trade them for the world! The Lord has truly blessed!

Thanks for gathering the information! love, Joann

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Re: Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by francine »

Joann - I completely understand what you are saying.I remember those picnics way back...when you just came to meet people and the kids played together on the playground which was 10 feet away and there were millions of desserts it seemed! (lol - funny how I would remember that). I think that things changed when the doctors were invited to come...and there's such a Catch 22 there.

This year we probably would have stayed at the park as usual but the doctors couldn't make it until late October so we decided that we couldn't chance the weather like last year. Trish told me that it was an incredible relief for her to not have to worry about the weather.

I don't know if we need to go to as fancy a place...would like to know how many families actually went swimming - that's basically what the high cost was about - there was no discount on the entrance fees even for a non-profit group.. If we find out that a low percentage actually took advantage of the swimming then we won't go there next year or if we do, we won't need the entrance fees for the swimming.

I hope that more people give input on this.
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Re: Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by Sally »

Hi all,

We had a great time at the PA picnic. It was only our second (our first was last year at the Baltimore Zoo). We did go swimming - but then again, I have 3 kids (6, 3, and 18 months) that are really active and rarely get to swim, so they thought that swimming was great. It also gave me time to talk to Dr. Nath (my mom and my aunt came and took the kiddos swimming) I would be interested in either an indoor or an outdoor gathering (although, if it was outdoor, earlier in the year would be better (I totally understand the time constraints of the doctors and appreciate the time that Dr. Nath took to meet with me and for his presentation))

Hmmm...I guess that I'm not a lot of help, am I? In answer to the question - yep, we went swimming - but it wasn't the main reason we came!

Karrie -- Md.
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Re: Questions to those who went to PA picnic....

Post by Karrie -- Md. »
