It's been a while..

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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It's been a while..

Post by MandieS »

For the first time in the almost 7 years of Sarahs life, she is complaining of pain.

She said that her shoulder hurts and its pinching inside of her elbow.

I called up her therapist and got it checked out. She said that the tendons and muscles seem to be wearing out in her rotator cuff. She gave us stretches and exercises to do for 2 weeks and told me to bring her back. At that point, she will know more and possibly have to see her doctor.

Well, her doctor is a member of my brothers karate school and attends the class right after sarah so i caught her last night and mentioned it to her. She said to make sure that I give her advil for the inflammation and after our recheck with the PT, to bring her in.

Anyone have anything similar to this happen?

Its scary because Sarah has had such a great recovery and never complained of pain until now.

Yesterday when we left, I had a big rush of those feelings that i had when she was first born...fear and helplessness...

Thanks guys.
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Re: It's been a while..

Post by angelsmom1 »

Wow , this is another "?" I was getting ready to ask. Our Angelina is 6 and never complained till now, she has been complaining about her inside elbow and shoulder and shoulder blade. She was dismissed from therapy about 7 monthes ago, we do the streches here at home but she seems do be stiffing up still. I too have been worryed. trying to get her into therapy again. Didn't get much info from the Dr.'s office though, that bothered me, said it could be "normal" growning pains, but I know my kid didn't seem like that to me..... yes we are dealing with this too.
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Joined: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:09 pm

Re: It's been a while..

Post by MandieS »

hey angelsmom, im gonna email you
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Re: It's been a while..

Post by AK1999 »

Maybe it is the karate.
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Joined: Tue May 21, 2002 4:46 pm

Re: It's been a while..

Post by Mandie »

I would think that as well, but she hasn't been going lately. I work too much. She probably went 4/5 times this year. Also, my brother owns the school and he makes sure that she doesn't overdo it.

Thanks though!