bpi doctor in canada?

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bpi doctor in canada?

Post by Bill-C »

Hi everyone, this is Bill. I have a probable C5 & C6 avulsion and am scheduled for a nerve transplant with Dr. Nath in Houston on Nov.7. I am Canadian and am currently working in McAllen,TX and I just found out my medical coverage might not cover the operation. I want to find a good doctor in Canada just in case I am not covered. Does anyone know one?
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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by Kristie »

I looked at UBPN's medical resources link and here is what I found:
Hope all goes well for you!
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.

Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by jennyb »

Hi Bill, there's a Canadian guy who posts regularly at the tbpi uk website called mikeyb, he had surgery in Canada. Here's a link http://pub28.ezboard.com/badultswithbra ... usinjuries maybe post your question there and he'll get bgack to you. Don't worry too much if the insurance don't let you go to Texas, it might even be better to find a surgeon nearer home who can do post op follow ups more easily and accurately than on video and who maybe specialises in adults rather than babies. Good luck!
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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by cbr9 »

cbr9 here, i had a DREZ procedure performed here in vancouver, dr. michael c. boyd. hope this helps.
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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by erica »

I will be seeing a dr. A.R. Harrop on Jan. 29. He's the top neuropalsy specialist that I know of. This is in Alberta. He's a plastic surgeon.
Hope this helps.
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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by admin »

> cbr9 here, i had a DREZ procedure performed here in
> vancouver, dr. michael c. boyd. hope this helps.

I am in Vancouver and I am trying to get my partner to
move to Vancouver from Europe.
However, he had a motorbike accident over a year ago
and has a full bpi with avulsion of C5 and maybe C7, if I remember correctly.

He has daily pain so before he moves here I need to
find him a good physiotherapist or massage therapist
and a doctor to follow his injury.

Can you recomend any physio or good doctor
in Vancouver, please.


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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by cbr9 »

cbr9 here, i'd really like to help. but, myself i'm 3 years 8 months ltbpi, and i don't visit any type of pain relief. i have just learned to adjust. fight the pain mentally. i just continued on by being me and retuning to construction work full time.
i too had a bike crash with full avulsion of c8, t1 and partial c5,6,7.
my only advice would be to contact dr. michael c. boyd's office for referrals. if you do, make sure you get the neurosurgeon and not dr. boyd the dentist.
if your boyfriend does move here or visits, i would sure like to meet him, as i am yet to meet another tbpi in person.

hope i was able to help in some way.
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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by admin »


Thank you for your reply.
I will contact dr Michael Boyds to see what are the options.
I glad you offered to meet my partner if he manages to immigrate here.
I am sure he would be very glad to talk to you.

When you say you have learned to adjust. Do you mean you don't even take any pain killers either ?

My partner is due for another surgery soon, which should allow him to remove the harness he currently has to wear most of the time.
We are hoping this might also and ease the pain.

Once again thanks for your reply.

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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by admin »

I had a brachial Plexis Injury about four years ago which pretty much shut down my left arm. Eventually I had a muscle transfer from the back to the arm to make it bend. It was performed by Dr.Lobay of the University hospital in Edmonton Alberta , Canada a very well known Plastic surgeon in Canada. I would recommend him to absolutly anyone with a Brachial Plexis injury. Let me know if you need more info. Good Luck.
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Re: bpi doctor in canada?

Post by Andrew »

I had my surgery February 2002 by Dr. Harrop and Dr. Joughin and i have really good results. Going into the surgery i had nothing and now i can bend my elbow just over 45 degrees and my shoulder no longer sub luxes. Dr. Joughin is not in Canada any more but Dr. Harrop is. hope this helps.