Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

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Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by smokinex »

i just started taking Topomax a week ago. i take two 25mg pills before bed, i am also taking amitriptyline 50mg 1 pill before bed. i have been taken that for a few months.

the last few days i am really down in the dumps and sensitive to what people say and take it to heart.

When i got the Topomax the pharmasist asked if my doctor knew i was taking them with the amitrip. so i was wondering if any of you had first hand experience.
thanks craig.

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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by s8n »

i would go to my doc and ask for something else. i take percocet for pain, gabapentin for nerve pain, and temazepam for sleep. i also take zoloft for depression. i would get it changed i know how that can ruin your life.
good luck,
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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by smokinex »

i tried gabapentin at the start of the injury and didnt find it helped at all. I also take percocet and oxycontin and the pain is just horrible, but i think its a good thing because its in places i had no feeling at all before the surgery. How do you find the zoloft? I never heard of it before.
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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by s8n »

zoloft is for depression and it helps me so ..... i like it
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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by jenfromrsm »

Zoloft works really well for depression, Topomax is known to make you go a bit crazy, be careful with it!
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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by smokinex »

well i stopped taking the topomax a few days ago and there is no change in my mood yet. i hate feeling like this and its really hard on me and my family.

Im scared to try new meds because of the efffects they seem to have on me, i just wanna smile again.

does anyone know if zoloft will work oxycontin, with minimal side effects, and if so how long does it take before they begin to work? im going to mention them to my doctor tomoro.
thanks Craig
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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by Heddip »

If the amitriptyline isn't causing bad side effects, could you increase the dosage?

Also, you might want to get your blood checked for low Vitamin D or other deficiencies that cause depression. It might be something as simple as taking a supplement--it worked for me.

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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by swhite1 »

I've been taking amitriptyline, carisoprodol, gabapentin, hydrocodone, methadone, omeprazole and temazepam.
I sleep hard, fast, and long every night.
I awaken each and every morning refreshed and ready to see what challenges the new day will bring my way.
It's all in the experimental stage(2 1/2 years)so I carry on to see what will come my way.
Who knows? The combination of these allows me to really be po'd because I cannot get upset. I know, I know, why would anyone want to be upset? Thing is all this happened to me for no apparent reason and I've no one or nothing to blame or find fault with. Talk about depression? I can't find a reason to be depressed, that pisses me off... but not much. On the other hand, I really find joy or happiness a distant emotion. It's hell. I am in purgatory. I live intrinsically through this support group and a few other observations of life that I have made.
Whatever is happening, whatever is going to happen what other people say or do means nothing to me unless it comes from this phenomenon. Nobody else has a clue. When I see someone get upset over the simplest things I have to wonder...
Peace out.
Sorry for getting lost and rambling...
1300mg gabapentin 3 times a day.
100mg amitriptyline @ bedtime
350mg carisoprodol 2 times a day
50mg methadone 2 times a day
30mg temazepam @ bedtime
5mg hydrocodone 4 times a day
All of this sounds like alot...and it is. Most of it is 'as needed' so I don't take it all all the time. I sell the rest on the street. Who would've known methadone for instance is so valuable...I'm kidding. If I knew where I could sell my meds I'd probbly also know where I could find a doobie. I've heard it works wonders? This is enough for now.
How did your doctors appointment go by the way?

I forgot to mention that this receipe was developed over the 5 months I was in the hospital and under professional supervision. I knew about soma and hydrocodone. I thought only recovering junkies took methadone and the rest just came to be.

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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by swhite1 »

Craig, Zoloft is a pretty good mood drug from what I've been told and Daniel can attest to.
Gabapentin/Neurontin is also good in large doses BUT,you really have to give it time to build up then you must maintain that level for it to be affective.
You really should give it another try. Until this injury I really had no standard of measuring my pain. I was always in pain as a direct result of my motorcycle wrecks. As much pain as I was in...nothing compares to this. I gotta tell ya, I never knew you could treat regular broken bones pain and nerve pain seperately.
Try Gabapentin again. This time give it a chance. I take 1300mg 3 times a day. Again it's for nerve pain. You can't get high on it so I don't think it's controlled?
Please, let me know of you're progress?
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Re: Depression = Maybe caused by Topomax

Post by smokinex »

sorry for not replying my internet has been down and just got it resolved today.

hey swhite thanks for the advice. i sugested zoloft to my family doctor and i found it amazing, after the first week i felt the best i did since the injury, i was gettting out everyday, applied for school etc. i always found something active to do with my time rather then sitting in the house.
my doc told me to stay away from topomax until i seen the pain doc again, and if he wanted to give it another try then i should. so i seen the pain last month and he is very hard to talk to, i told the nurse how i was feeling and he just told me try 1 25mg of topomax instead of 2 each night. so i did and after 3 days i could feel the symptoms comming back so i stoped. but the reason i wanted to take them was he told me about injections they give at the pain clinic thats blocks something in the brain, and i want to get them so i can get away from the other meds.
i took the topomax again for 3 weeks hoping everything would ease up after thet got into my system, but it was hell, stuck in the house again, always angry etc and im just starting to come around, im just so confused, the doc wont listen and just orders these things, when i tell him how i feel he just shakes his head and says it doesnt do that and argues with me so i say whatever and talk to my family doc about it.

im seeing her on the 19th and telling her im done with the topomax, and i want those injections, im starting to feel wear and tear on my body because of the oxys.
i never had a doc until after a year since the injury. they were telling me at the hospital only my hand was broke. there was 3 docs fighting in front of me saying i would need surgery aand otheres sayuing i didnt. they thought it was only my hand and made an appt with the plastic surgern (i was 6000 miles from home where the injury happed) and that was a month after the accident and hes the one that told me it was brachial plexus. i went a month and a half with no pain meds at all, living with a friend that worked all the time. i was in tears everyday with the pain and finally got a doctors appt and gave me the oxys and after being on them for a year jumping around doc to doc gettting them filled i finally got a family doc and nothing else worked.

sorry if this doesnt make anhy sence my heads a mess right now lol i gotta stop writing ill read it later and edit it, i dont even no what im talking about right now lol
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