ALMOST DONE (tendon and muscle transfer)

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2007 11:26 am

ALMOST DONE (tendon and muscle transfer)

Post by denaegirl »

Malik had a tendon transfer on the second of October at the Mayo in Rochester, MN and he is sooo active. Having that cast on his whole body dosn't seem to bother him any. He didn't even want to lay down in the hospital. He was up and wandering off to the playroom 6 hours after surgery. My little trooper. His cast is coming off on Thursday the 13th and we are soooooooooo excited! Any ideas on how much he will be able to tolerate after the cast comes off? What kind of recovery have the rest of you all seen?

Here is a link to my mom's facebook photos of Malik and his cute cast with stars on it! ... 1343093571

Re: ALMOST DONE (tendon and muscle transfer)

Post by dsk727 »

Mailk's cast comes off today! YAY. I hope it goes well. While i don't have any advice, just wanted to wish you guys luck. Jocelyn had open reduction, muscle lengthening and tendon transfer on 10/13 at Gillette in St. Paul and her cast comes off 12/02/08. I hope some others can give you some advice on his recovery after the cast as I have the same questions for Jocelyn!

Mom to Jocelyn~2 yrs old LOBPI