bpi/winged scapula

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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »


i had scapula winging for 2 years and was in pain and agony....i saw the best orthpods in miami and best neurologists at Univeristy of Miami and I knew more then them....your best bet is to speak with Dr. Jon Jp Warner, M.D. at Massachussetss General/Harvard Shoulder service....in my opinion he is the best Doctor with the most Knowledge on the subject...I had a dynamic Muscle Transfer done and I am Well Today Thank GOD! South Florida is made of Community Doctors that arent experts and cutting edge technology...The Doctor I Saw Was the Top Leading Expert in the World as far as i was concerned.....If i Was you i would get of florida.....they dont know about this diabling condition...if you like you can e-mail me i would be happy to speak with you about my experiences....also i live in florida so i know about it

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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

hello i too have winging of the scapula due to a car crash and it is almost three years ago and have to under go neurophysiological examination then an MRI scan have you undergone anything like these tests look forward to hearing from you
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by Kristie »

You should look up info on the medaical resourse section of this web site... it is on the "home" page. They have listings of different doctors. The one in Florida I think you are refering to is Dr. Grossman. I have heard of quite a few people taking their kids to him.
I hope you find all that you are looking for! I would be intrested in any info you have on winged scapula... my son doesn't have it yet but I have the understanding that it is common with BPI injury.
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

i would like to know more about the winging of the scapula
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by pattisy »

my son (3yrs)was diagnosed with bpi with winging scapula. he was injured at birth: nerve damage caused mixed messages to the muscles which in turn would not hold the scapula correctly. he recently underwent surgery at shriner's hospitals for children in philadelphia with dr. kozin. he may be a great resource for you. also, you may wish to check out www.injurednewborn.com. good luck!
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

I am a 27 year old male who has a "winging scapula". The injury happened in 1993, from lifting weights after a long day of over head lifting at work. I felt a sharp pain/burn between my shoulder blade and rib cage. It has never been the same. There are some years that it has been better than others, but lately it has been bad. I have seen at least 6 different doctors. Only the most recent one has a good understanding of this injury, but now it is too late to correct the problem. It has been 10 years since the injury, and I can tell you that I have experienced horrible muscle imbalances. I do not want to have surgery, but I don't know if there is anything else that can be done. I have actually developed an anxiety problem because of this injury, scared of how I am going to cope with this for the rest of my life.

If anyone else has a similar problem and has found a solution or at least peace-of-mind, please share. I could use the up-lifting!
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

My son is 16 and a excellent baseball player. He is having trouble gaining veloicty on his throws. Ever since he was little he has been able to produce a winged scapula. Are there any other basaball players out there wiyh a similar problem
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

My son is 16 and a excellent baseball player. He is having trouble gaining veloicty on his throws. Ever since he was little he has been able to produce a winged scapula. Are there any other basaball players out there wiyh a similar problem
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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by admin »

Winging scapula is caused by either a long thoracic nerve lesion or a spinaql accessory nerve problem.
The two types of wingin are different in their symptoms.
A LTN problem causes the medial part to move away from the ribs.
A SAN problem causes the shoulder to drop.
Check out THe Winging Scapula web-site by Steve Fromm.

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Re: bpi/winged scapula

Post by ronin »

check this out: I had a tbpi in '93 and went through the wringer with a winged scapula. In '98 I had a surgery called a "scapulexy" or "scapular fusion" where the underside of my scapula was abraded down to "raw" bone. Then they lined it up in the proper position with my rib cage, drilled holes all the way thru the scap and underlying ribs and laced the whole works together with "donated" connective tissue. The bone healed and basically fused together. Now I tell you it wasn't 100% and it didn't help with a whole lot of the pain- but it helped in ways I can't describe. Certain parts of the pain are way better, my shoulder seems more stable.The first thing my friends noticed was my posture- the shoulder no longer rotated in and my shoulders were square again. The surgery was first done for folks with Muscular dystrophy or something and this ortho in Albany GA came across it somewhere and guinepigged me and it worked.