Surgery Oct 21st

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Posts: 970
Joined: Fri May 26, 2006 6:53 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, LTBPI at age 6.5, Sensory Issues, CP, Diaphragm Weakness, Aspberger's
Location: Ambler, PA

about the cast removal...

Post by F-Litz »

about the cast removal....

when Maia was serial casted I was really stressed about how they were going to remove the cast thinking that it was a SAW.... but it's not.... it looks like a circular saw but it is actually a vibrating tool - the saw part does not go around and around. It just vibrates and you can actually put it directly on the palm of your hand and it will not cut you - have them show you ok?

Of course, your little guy will just hear that loud horrible noise and will most likely cry from fear of the the noise - but at least you'll know that if he moves, he won't be cut by the "saw".

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Joined: Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:52 pm

Re: about the cast removal...

Post by Kaiden'smom »

Thanks Francine.

He handled getting the cast cut down pretty well on Wednesday, so I'm not to worried about them taking the cast off. Actually they split the cast down his rigt side to give him more room since it was to tight. That should speed up the cast removal process.