Any advice to combat TPBI pain

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Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by Bruce »

I am a 49 year old male from South Africa who had a traumatic brachial plexus injury in a motor cycle accident in 1983. All the nerves in the brachial area were severed. I subsequent had two nerve grafts which were unsuccessful. I had tremendous pain for nine years until a neurosurgeon performed a DREZ legion in 1992 which was very successful. I was virtually pain free for 15 years. The pain however has come back and have exhausted all efforts to find a solution to rid me of my pain. A doctor in Cape Town suggested a Spinal Cord Stimulator implant but after consulting with other specialists decided against it due to the DREZ that was performed previously.Anyone with any suggestions. Thank you.
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Re: Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by Ron »

Neurontin on a daily basis plus, stay physically active.
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no external rotation against gravity, can only go to 90 degree fwd flexion, no hand-to-mouth
1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Re: Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by marieke »

Neurontin (gabapentine)

Lyrica (pregabalin)

Low doses of Tricyclic antidepressants


some swear by Accupuncture
Marieke Dufresne RN

Re: Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by lgonda »

Am from RSA too. Has son with injury of 4.7 yrs past. Still dame excruciating pain. Goes without pills.Is studying so not using meds due to side effects. Using distractions- kuier met vriende tot laat- also read about DL-phenelalenine(spelling?) , exercising in hot swimmingpool, mirrorbox. Also in Cape Town a new pain clinic. New drug some use called Lyrica. Possible problems with sperm.
Hope it helps
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Re: Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by Bruce »

Hi Igonda
I am using DL-phenelalenine and Lamictin with minimal effect. Pain does not shoot up my forearm so much anymore which is the worst of the pain. I have spoken to my neurosurgeon and I am now seriously considering a secong DREZ seeing the first one was so successful and after I have been told by two specialist that a Spinal cord stimulator is not the answer. I would like to meet with you and your son. I might have some info that can be of some help. You can mail me on
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Re: Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by Bruce »

Thenks Marieke for the advise. Have used Neurontin (gabapentine)

Lyrica (pregabalin) and have a TENS but none works. The side effects of Neurontin and Lyrica are bad and made me sick.

Kind Regards
Bruce Anderson
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DREZ (dorsal root entry zone) lesion

Post by Bruce »

I was told by my doctor that after consulting with other specialist in the field that a spinal cord stimulator will not work for me. I have now seen a neurosurgeon who will perform a second DREZ on 15th December 2008. Having a second DREZ done is rare and I hope for a positive outcome. The doctor who has done the first DREZ in 1992, although he retired in 2007, will assist the my current doctor and I feel positive it will be a success. I have lots of people prying for the outcome to be successful.
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Re: DREZ (dorsal root entry zone) lesion

Post by Heddip »

Nortriptyline worked really well for me before my pain died down 3 years ago.

I had virtually no side effects, although I've heard of problems people have had with Amitriptyline, which is similar.

They are both antidepressants that work on the pain receptors in our brains, if I understand it correctly.
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Re: Any advice to combat TPBI pain

Post by swhite1 »

I don't know what does what exactly but I do know combined over the day they all make some sort of good.
Good luck,
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Re: DREZ (dorsal root entry zone) lesion

Post by Bruce »

Hi everyonne thank you for all your advice. My DREZ operation is on 15 December 2008. I will let you know how it went. Heddip I will try Nortriptyline in the meantime seeing the side effects is minimal.