What BPI Specialist

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2002 6:59 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Daughter has global palsy (c5-T1 injury) 5 surgeries at Texas Children's by Dr
Laurent, Shenaq, and Nath. 1st Surel graft 2nd Intercostal transfer 3rd Latisimus Dorsi transfer with subscapular release 4th Pec release 5th Bicep lenghtening, (which weakened her bicep, and contracture returned.) Has went through serial casting with fair results. Her arm is about a hand shorter then the other. She has limited hand function. (able to grasp) Arm stays pronated. Unable to get to neutral. Now dealing with sternoclavicular subluxation. All that being said....She is very functional. She is a very determined, strong, tenacious young woman. Now 15. She plays the trumpet, french horn, drums, guitar, and now learning piano. Has always played on a softball, and basketball team. Until recently, for fear of further injury due to the sternoclavicular subluxation. (separation of colarbone from sternum) Not sure if all this is spelled right.
Location: Wisconsin

What BPI Specialist

Post by Brenda333 »

What BPI Specialist do you or your child see? We are thinking of changing.

Brenda :)
BPI Connection

Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by guest101 »

Waters. We really like him, but that probably doesn't help you way out in Wisconsin!
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Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

We see Dr. Bae he's in with Dr. Waters at Boston Children's Hospital. He's a very good doc in my opionion and Jamie likes him.

Amanda (mom to JamieMarie 3yrs old ROBPI)

Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by dsk727 »

Jocelyn sees Dr. VanHeest and the team of Brachial Plexopathy physicians at Gillette Specialty Heathcare in St. Paul MN. She just had surgery a week ago there too.
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Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by preventbpi »

We Take Christina to Childrens Memorial hospital here in Chicago and she sees Dr. DiPatri and Dr. Alden who performed her surgery.

They also have a brachial plexus clinic there and have given us very good advice/suggestions on therapies and expectations.

overall I am happy with the care they are giving Christina.
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Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by Kaiden'smom »

We see Dr Kozin at Shriners in Philly. He's great! My son just had the ACR surgery with him on Tuesday. The travel is a bit of a pain, but worth it to get such excellent care. We were also going to the brachial plexus center at U of Michigan, which is much closer, for second opinion, but chose to go with Dr Kozin based on comfort level. Oh, and if you got to Shriners, you don't have to pay for the care, that's also a nice plus.
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Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by DianaLB1999 »

My daughter see Dr. Grossman and Dr. Price and their team through Miami Children's Hospital. They are wonderful doctors.
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Re: What BPI Specialist

Post by andream »

You should consider the trip to the Mayo Clinic. They have a wonderful BP team there and we found them extremely concerned and helpful.