Very sad news

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Very sad news

Post by cathyubpn »

I too am at a loss for words. Hazel emailed me a few times to talk about pain management, and a few other things. I wish there were more options available. Her loss will be felt by individuals worldwide, as she interacted with so many people. My deepest condolences to her family. Please know that her bpi family will miss her dearly as well. Cathy
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Re: Very sad news

Post by marymom »

cheers Hazel, painfreedom at last!You will be missed.
Jen, Liz and Dave and all her close friends, family, I am so sorry for your loss, for all OUR loss, I hope her death will be a light on the path for awareness in this area, blessed be- mary
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Re: Very sad news

Post by christy »

I don't know what to say. I can't say anything right now. I am so very sorry for her friends (of which I count myself in a distant way) and family. She had been hurting so much lately. once again, I am so so sorry.
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Re: Very sad news

Post by admin »

Thank you Jenny, for doing what I could not. I can barely type this now.

Hazel was and is like a sister to me and I cannot say what a void she has left in my life.

God Speed Hazey, may you finally be at peace.

From your most soppy Cayank friend........................

Always my love,
Missy K
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Re: Very sad news

Post by Missy K »

I'm deeply saddened to hear of Hazel's death. Please send my sympathies to her family, friends and loved ones.

I can't even think what to say. My hands are shaking. My words feel inadequate. Thank you for posting this. I can't imagine what her close friends and family must be going through right now. How sad.

I'm so sorry.

Missy Kosel
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Re: Very sad news

Post by admin »

My deepest sympathy to Hazel's Family, I can say I know what they are going through, my sister took her own life 11 months ago...those wounds never heal.....

Re: Very sad news

Post by carron »

My heart sank at the thought of this happening. To Hazel's family may peace and blessings be to you. I also understand the heart ache of losing someone this way my father took his own life he also was in pain. The only comfort I had was knowing he did not suffer anymore. She will always be missed. May God and his angels surround her and you all. I always believe they watch over us even when they are gone. I still feel my father around after 15 years. Again my heart goes out to you all.
With all my love,
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Re: Very sad news

Post by mikeyb »

Thanks to everyone who posted a thought for Hazey.

She was a beautiful person who I'll never forget.

Godspeed Hazey.

Krista :o)
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Re: Very sad news

Post by Krista :o) »

This news was so sad. I do not know what to say...

Is there a way that all of Hazel "virtual friends" could leave a last note to her family? Like a "guestbook" type of thing? Ryan, could you make it happen?

I'm sure there are so many people on these boards who would love to "sign a book" that could be given to the family.

To all you who knew Hazel well, I wish you strength.
