Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

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Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

Jamie has her apoinment with Dr. Bae on the 29th in Boston. I was wondering if anyone was going to be around there and would want to meet up.

Amanda (mom to JamieMarie 3yrs old ROBPI)
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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by admin »

Yes, I will be there with my daughter to see Dr. Waters at 4:00.

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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

Maybe we could meet up. Jamie's appoinment is at 1:30pm with Dr. Bae. You can either get a hold of me by AIM which my screenname for that is berta5606 or you can email me at (my mom's email but I'm the only one that uses it.)
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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by admin »

Hi Melissa. My name is Michelle (from Buffalo, NY) - just wondering if your daughter has been a patient of Dr. Waters for a while. He performed the Humeral Osteotomy on my 7 yr old son Ryan last year - unfortunately it failed. Has he performed many surgeries on your daughter?
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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by claudia »

Can I ask...what do you mean the osteotomy "failed"? We are considering one for our daughter.

by failed do you mean it didn't accomplish the goals you wanted it to? or that the plates didn't hold?

I"ve not heard of it "failing" before.

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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by admin »

Hi Claudia -

I guess it depends on what doctor you talk to. The surgeon here in the Buffalo area say the "plate" didn't hold. Ryan's arm looked great the year following surgery. He just had the plate removed last December and his arm is back to the "way it was" before the surgery. In speaking with Dr. Waters in Boston (who performed the surgery) he said it could be repeated. In talking with Dr. Nath is appears it failed. We are meeting up with Dr. Nath in Chicago next month -- just took Ryan for a 3D CT scan so I guess I know more after seeing Dr. Nath in October.

I can't seem to get a straight answer out of anyone whether if the plate did stay in place if Ryan's arm would have still looked good. Given the outcome I believe the osteotomy has made Ryan's arm lay a better than it ever has.

Good luck with your daughter!
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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by admin »

HI Michelle,

Yes, My daughter is a patient of Dr. Waters and has been for several years. She is 7 and we started to see him when she was 14 months old.

He did perform her osteotomy about 9 months ago. So far so good.....
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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by admin »


Unfortunately Allison's appt. is not until 4:00. If you guys are still in the area we could meet up after that. I cannot get up to Boston much before her appt. Sorry....

Good luck on her appt.

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Re: Anyone going to be near children's Hosp. Boston on Sept. 29th??

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

How did Allison's appointment with Dr. Waters go?? Jamie doesn't have to go back for another year. Dr. Bae also wrote orders for more therapy.
