Upcoming surgery

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Upcoming surgery

Post by marti »

My daughter has Erbs Palsy. Her surgery is being done on August 28, 2002 by Dr. Grossman at Miami CHildren's Hospital. I have heard wonderful things about Dr. Grossman and was wondering 3things:

1. What others have heard about Dr. Grossman and Miami's Children's Hospital
2. How is the recovery process for the baby.(My daughter is 7 months old.)
3. Is there any way to find out if the Dr that delivered my baby has a previous history of this what resources are available on the Internet to research this.


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Re: Upcoming surgery

Post by admin »

Hi Marti,
My daughter had surgery with Dr. Grossman. He did a wonderful job. Everyone was very nice and Miami Childrens as well. Dr Grossman has a wagon there and that is where my daughter basically stayed. The beds are not comfortable so we had lots of pillows in the wagon and got lots of exercise doing laps all over the hospital. If you have any questions feel free to email me danarumbaugh@hotmail.com.
Good luck,
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Re: Upcoming surgery

Post by francine »

Hi Marti and welcome to the message boards...

I don't know anything about Dr. Grossman personally - I do recall some folks that went there but haven't seen them around in a while. Maybe he is listed in the Medical Resources directory (found on the home page ubpn.org) in the left/middle area.

The best thing I can tell you about post op and recovery is that each child is different. Most kids do really well post surgery - but we have heard a lot about change in sleep patterns. We've discussed how it might be that they become a bit scared of sleeping after being anesthetized and waking up in pain. Can't say I blame them. About the big picture of recovery - that, too, is really so different in each child. Just take one step at a time. The most important thing right now is to get your sweetypie through this surgery and back in her mommy's arms asap. Time will tell the rest.

I will be in Miami on August 28th...can you email me?...I can visit while you are waiting if you want. Maia and I are visiting my parents for a week. Have you ever met another child with bpi? here's my email address: francine@injurednewborn.com

I want to tell you that there is so much hope for our children. You are 100 steps beyond what was available for folks many years ago. And the research is ongoing - every year they come up with new ideas and new techniques. Yes, it's sad and yes we're all pretty angry (and that's why we use this message board to share and vent and support each other) - but our kids - well their spirits are just amazing. Don't lose hope ok?

Hope Maia and I can meet up with you on Wednesday.


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Re: Upcoming surgery

Post by muzik2407 »

Hi, Marti. My daughter also had surgery with Dr. Grossman at Miami Children's Hospital. I can only say wonderful things about the Dr. and his staff. The hospital is a great facility and the nurses are trained to assist in the management care of bpi. The hospital has furnished efficiency apartments for as little as $15.00/night. Please feel free to email me (muzik2407@aol.com). My prayers are with you.-
My Alexyss
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Re: Upcoming surgery

Post by My Alexyss »

My prayers are with your family. I have not had surgery with Dr. Grossman. My daughter was 9 months when her surgery got done. There is lots of hope. Work with her alot. Sometimes it is easier because they are more active at this stage. Let us know how she is doing and keep the faith!
Alexyss rbpi
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Re: Upcoming surgery

Post by admin »

Thanks all of you for your wonderful replies. My daughter came out of the surgery with flying colors. Apparently the damage was worst then Dr. Grossman thought but felt confident of the surgery and I feel confident too. I'm just angry that this had to happen. Emily has a hot pink cast and is in good spirits besides wanting to role over which is near to impossible. Emily gets her cast off next week.

Thanks for your support