wow - thanks for your posts.... so I am trying to internalize all that you have said... you know it's not easy to do that especially when it's an emotionally charged issue.
Anyway - I have some questions/comments.
When do you think is the right age to tell a child what happened and how it happened? And what approach do you use?
So far - because of Maia's tender age all I've told her so far is that when she was born and came out of mommy's belly (she thinks she poppped out of my belly button!) she woke up and looked around. All the parts of her body woke up except "leftie" and we went to a special "armie" doctor who knew how to wake it up. But because it was such a sleepyhead we have to work extra hard to get it strong like "rightie". Then we do little 'plays' about how rightie is always taking a turn and he doesn't want to share with leftie and leftie finally gets turn and is so happy....
When do you think she will ask me for more details? when did you start questioning the details? What if anything did they tell you and how did that feel when you first found out?
About guitar... Maia is a left obpi and she cannot supinate so do you think that we should teach her the opposite way and restring the guitar?
So far we have quite a few children with obpi in our area and Maia has visited them - even when they were post surgery and splinted. Maia has been very happy to see them, especially to see that they had the same splinty as hers. I think these kids can really grow and support each other being so close in distance. I guess we should try harder to get them together more often. Thanks for that idea.
Robert - how about showing your mom ? It may be very healing for her to see it all in print like this - of course it'll probably be difficult yet healing.
thanks again for all your time and efforts to educate me,