Malik getting ready for MOD QUAD

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Malik getting ready for MOD QUAD

Post by denaegirl »

Malik went to the Mayo in Rochester to meet with his surgeon for muscle surgery or MOD QUAD *Dr. Nath's words* It looks like he will be scheduled for surgery sometime in october. I am wondering what kind of recovery I can expect, what kinds of clothing will fit him while he is casted, and how other parents have comforted their little ones and made their little buisy body's lives more comfortable. I am also concerned about how I will continue nursing him during this time, did anyone else nurse their child after the surgery?

Mom to Malik 14 months LOBPI
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Re: Malik getting ready for MOD QUAD

Post by Mare »

Hi Denae
I can't help you with the nursing Frankie was 13 yrs old when he had the mod quad but as far as the clothes he went shirtless most of the time and when he did go out I got sweat shirts in a mans size cut the seam all the way up the side and out the sleeve and then just closed it after he had it on with saftey pins. mostly he just laid in bed watching TV. He had his surgery at 10pm and left the hosital the next morning and execpt for taking tylonal that day for the 4 hrs plane ride home he was in no pain and didn't need meds. Its hard when they are little they can't tell you if they are hurting but Frankie said there was no pain so I hope this helps alittle. As far as recovery Frankie came out of surgery with more finger movement that we could see but the rest takes time till the cast comes off and you do therapy but I have talked to moms who as soon as the cast came off the little arms went right up and started moving all over the place. I will keep you and malik in my prayers for a fast recovery and amazing results
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, LTBPI at age 6.5, Sensory Issues, CP, Diaphragm Weakness, Aspberger's
Location: Ambler, PA

Re: Malik getting ready for MOD QUAD

Post by F-Litz »


Maia had the mod quad when she was 19 months old and she did great once she got home and into her own bed. Playing was fine - nothing stopped her but sleeping was rough if I remember correctly. We didn't do too much sleeping. (But each child is different - she had other stuff going on - nightmares, etc.) Clothing - I bought t-shirts that were 2 sizes bigger and it worked out fine. I bought some clothes at a second hand store so I could cut it, velcro it, paint it - whatever....but 2 sizes larger didn't require any further modification.

Maia nursed until she was 22 months.... I wish it would have been longer but she made her own decision about it. So she was fine nursing after the surgery and for 3 more months - her splint kept her safe and pain free.

Best of luck,
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Re: Malik getting ready for MOD QUAD

Post by denaegirl »

thanks for all the help!!! My little guy is so accident prone so I worry about him hurting himself while he is in his cast and reversing the whole surgery!