More movement!!!!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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More movement!!!!!!

Post by Aliviasmom »

So my babygirl was born with just hand movement, and little by little we see more improvment, she is now 4 months old and moves it a lot more....we went to see kozin and he said she didnt have a bicep yet but she goes back on wednesday and we wll see if she does now and if she will need surgery.....
she was bending with gravity but now she actually is bending a little when she stands up and i believe it is on her own.....if i put my hand in front of her she moves both arms in...she also grabs her hand with her other and puts them by or in her mouth....
In order for her to bend her elbow she needs a bicep right?
She used to be relly hard to move and to clean under her armpit but now she seems more loose and i can clean it better is that a good sign ?
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Re: More movement!!!!!!

Post by claudia »

Alivia's Mom:
Having biceps means that the arm moves by itself not with the other arm moving it.

It is a good sign that she reaches for her hand, she probably has sensation.

Just keep working that arm and offering toys to her while holding the non-affected hand (so she can't use it). The more she tries, the better off she'll be. Don't frustrate her, of course. But our bpi kids are fabulous fakers and they can figure out ways to make things look one way, when they are really another! I find it quite amazing.

good luck,

Message was edited by: claudia
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 1:47 am

Re: More movement!!!!!!

Post by AK1999 »

Good news!

Continue roms, tummy time etc