
Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Osteotomy

Post by admin »

My son is 4 1/2 years old and we were told in February that he needed an osteotomy. I am not sure if I will go through with this one. He has and Primary surgery, mod quad and botox. But this time, I am so afraid. He is scheduled for September but I seriously think I will cancel this because I am more afraid this time. He had good function. He still can't throw a ball, or put his hand in his back pocket. He holds his arm up at shoulder level and tells me it hurts to put it down. The Doctor said he does hurt if he tries to put it down. His shoulder had been dislocated since birth. Nothing has held. My mother instincts tell me to go ahead with the surgery because it will help him. And I should give him all the best opportunities to help him but my inner instincts tell me to wait. I can't explain it. Not to long ago, he had an MRI and it was a real bad experience. His prior surgeries went so well. I'm just venting here. Its such a hard decision to make. It is during these times that I really resent the doctor. It is during these times that I get so depressed and have horrible thoughts and I really wish I didn't have to be like this.
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Re: Osteotomy

Post by admin »


I haven't posted here for quite a while but am also wondering about the Osteotomy surgery and if anyone can give more information or where is a good place to find out more about it, I would really appreciate it.

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Re: Osteotomy

Post by Kristie »

I think this could be a very good conversation. I am sure we all have information to share and opinions as well. I do think that maybe we should take this too another thread so that Marnie can get answers that directly relate to her question and concerns. This topic does indirectly relate to it but I fear at this point discussing it here would only take away from her ability to get the answers she is looking for..

So I guess what I am asking is if you Mary would feel ok about reposting this question in its own thread?
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Re: Osteotomy

Post by Marnie »

Thank you Kristie!

Re: Osteotomy

Post by NancyP »


Wish I had some help for you. Hope you are doing ok, and that Peyton is feeling better! Are you ok with not having the splint on?

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Re: Osteotomy

Post by Marnie »

Hey Nancy,

I was really nervous at first about the splint being off, but Peyton is adjusting fine. He is even using his arm!! He pushed his sister in the stroller the other day, got both arms up to hold the handles. It is getting stronger every day!! I don't know what benefit he is missing from wearing the splint but he is doing just fine. he holds his arm bent at the elbow and close to his body, as if he were wearing a sling, but when he's playing he forgets about it and uses it. So in a way I am happy that things worked out the way they did, it just seems so much easier for his and us. The steri strips look as though they are trying to come off, so things are just fine. I feel alot better about things than I did almost a week ago. People seem to forget about his arm though since he is not wearing the splint. His nana and pop have already tried to pick him up under his arms, he let them know real quick though!! Just two more weeks and he starts therapy. I wish people who have had the osteotomy would come forward with their experiences. Thanks so much for asking about Peyton Nancy!!

Re: Osteotomy

Post by NancyP »


Just a thought I had about the Osteotomy. Can you call Lisa Davis or Lisa Thompson to get the name of another parent whose child has had this procedure done? Maybe you could get info that way. Glad to hear about Peyton!

Take care,

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Re: Osteotomy

Post by admin »

It was recommended that my son had an osteotomy at the age of 4 in Toronto. I researched the benefits vs risks and chose not to have the surgery performed. Though the surgery MAY offer more stability at the shoulder joint, it DOES decrease the function of the shoulder joint. You need to seriously investigate what movements your child will lose with this surgery. Another parent on this board was also told the same thing as me by another surgeon.
4 years later when the same surgeon saw my son he said he would never recommend the surgery as it causes a loss of function. I reminded him that he wanted to perform the surgery previously and he said things have changed. I assume they now have more scientific based evidence now, 4 years later, and possibly my son's function has improved on it's own. This surgery is incredibly painfull for you child, it is the most painfull of them all. Have the surgeon explain the procedure exactly to you so that you have a good understanding of it. Research also through other sites the risks vs benefits. It was physiotherapists who informed me that he would lose function and they were correct. Good luck with your decision.
My son has had the primary surger and the equivalent to your mod quad, so I don't post this as a parent against surgery.

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Re: Osteotomy

Post by Patty1 »

Hi Marnie,

Cole Michael had an Osteotomy done last March. Can I email you?

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Re: Osteotomy

Post by Marnie »

Patty, please email me.

Thank you