Lawsuit ques(ridiculous)!!!

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Lawsuit ques(ridiculous)!!!

Post by KarenHillyer »

Hi there
as ever I thought I would give you the "overseas" version of events like this - I love hearing about how things a run over in the states, so I think that maybe some of you Moms in the US like to know about things over here too.
surprisingly enough, this is standard procedure over here in the Uk for a clinical negligence case.
I must stress though, that it isn't usually a Doctor
(they are in too short supply over here to spare the time) but more normally an occupational therapist or physiotherapist to do a "home study report" showing how the child copes with everyday life/therapy etc.
In some cases the child is also visited by a psychologist to assess them.
It is considered a matter of routine now, although none of the parents are really happy about it, over here a case can't proceed without this type of evidence.
However, I must also say that if it isn't standard procedure in the States ( which seems likely given the replys you've had) then I wouldn't be happy about it either. I think the party idea is an excellent one, also I would try and arrange to school visit for a day when your child participates in something they find challenging. Whether it be swimming or physical education etc. If the idea is to try and "catch you out" in some way over your childs injury then play them at their own game!
Good luck
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Re: Lawsuit ques(ridiculous)!!!

Post by admin »

This is totally normal and my lawyer was not present for my either.....I have a four year old robpi and when this doctor came, I can tell you my son didn't was great....she would ask him to do something and he would simply say "I can't do that" and walk away( no I didn't prompt him.) I did write down everything she said and at the end gave her a copy so as my attoney said "She would remember" Anyways, in the middle of the meeting my son laid on the couch next to her and FEll sound was great.....boy the defence sure paid alot of money to send her to see my child.....and she SAW NOTHING !!!!
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Re: Lawsuit ques(ridiculous)!!!

Post by admin »

I was required to have a doctor from "the other side" look at my child; however, it was done at the doctor's office. I would not have wanted to doctor inside my home either.
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Re: Lawsuit ques(ridiculous)!!!

Post by SPEELMAC »

What kind of doctor is it? Be sure your lawyer is present and think about your answers before you answer sure to mention the things your child cannot do that they don't crab walk, wash hair with two hands, play twister (normal kid things).
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Re: Lawsuit ques(ridiculous)!!!

Post by admin »

Just a side note, the defense's doctor who came to visit gave my son a very favorable report. According to her, my son has a very serious BPI and will require extensive therapy, so they are pretty fair at least this one wass and P.S. she was an R.N, not a doctor