any moms injured also?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome

Re: any moms injured also?

Post by carron »

I had 4th degree cut to. Back pain, and I was always cramping and bleeding bad for that time of the month. I finelly went to another doctor one day because my side was hurting so bad he sent me to a gynocologist "not the one who deliverd my son" I had a prolasped uteruos , caused from birth trama . I had a hystorectomy 3 months ago.That pain is gone put I am still numb on my bottem and my back hurts every day.
Posts: 692
Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 5:05 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Teen aged home birthed son with OBPI
Location: Fort Pierce, FL

Re: any moms injured also?

Post by marymom »

I know women who have undergone reconstructive surgery -as a matter of fact maybe shell post, a friend is home now after having gone thru it recently)after such a trauma birth- kegal kegal kegal I cant say enough about the wonders of kegal however I know for many that just isnt enough- do NOT hesitate to seek professional advice for your SELVES if you think something is wrong-
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by admin »

I had a sacral and obturator nerve damage which caused me to walk with a walker for 5 months and my symphisis pubis was dislocated after my 10 pound baby. I thankfully was able to walk 5 months later as i couldnt at first and had to have my mother in law from the UK come over to look after the baby as it was like i had a stroke.
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by admin »

Hi Carron,
what type of exam or test did the doctor do to discover, the "prolasped uterus , caused from birth trama"? Just wonder where to start. Thanks.
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by admin »

I know of a bpi mom who underwent 12 hours of recontructive surgery because they FORGOT the STITCHES !

Re: any moms injured also?

Post by carron »

They did a vaginal exam and them did a vaginal utrasound to see how bad it was it had fell down into the cervix and over to the left side the side I was hurting on. He said it was very common in tramatic birth and even when you get older things start dropping down even the bladder can get damage. I know after I had Thomas I had a cathether in and it was full of blood. I think It stayed that way for week before it ever cleared up. It felt like every thing inside me had been torn apart and was falling out. That was one other sign about a prolapsed uteruos you have pressure when you stand like something is falling out!!
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by Beaglemom »

I am going to feel like a real dope, but what is kegal? Three babies in less than three years is not good on a female's body! (Often afraid to cough or sneeze oh my . . .:})
When I had Stephanie, I tore from end to end. They stitched me up then they remember my placenta had not been delievered. They had to go in and remove it manually. I tore even worse.
I have a lot of back pains, they feel a lot like the pains I had while was in labor, (that were all in my end according to one nurse.) I think I got lucky though, Stephanie only weighed 8 pds 2 oz, but she got stuck, hum.
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by admin »

It has been very interesting for me to read the injured moms messages. I am a grandmother now, but 30 years ago when my first child was born, I lost all sensation in my bladder and couldn't feel the need to urinate. I also had some numb spots in the thigh of my right leg. As best as I can remember, I finally regained sensation in my bladder after about 6 months. When my 2nd child was born 3 years later, I again lost bladder sensation but not as badly, and it returned more quickly. I did the Kegel exercises as well as tried to stay in better shape with daily exercises, and I feel that this helped a lot. Incidentally, the doctors at that time didn't seem to know why this had happened to me, and I got the impression that they thought it was all in my head.
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by admin »

Yes 3rd degree tear. Lots of pelvic probs as a result of which spent following pregnancy in severe pain due to Pubis Symphasis and ended up on crutches
Georgeann P
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Re: any moms injured also?

Post by Georgeann P »

I am currently doing pelvic floor rehabilitation with a physical therapist. It is a slow process but starting to work. I have trouble holding both functions. When I get the slightest feeling I might have to go, I have to get to a bathroom and quick or it is too late. Do a search on the net for pelvic floor rehabiliation and you will be amazed at what you find.