Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Posts: 254
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2002 11:05 am


Post by Paul »

24 years wow please tell a lettle about the years, ever have surgury? Paul
Posts: 1183
Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 5:24 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.


Post by jennyb »

Ha ha Jacko, I should have guessed! Funny I remember talking to you at Liz's for quite a while but we never got around to how you got your bpi-in fact did we talk much about bpi at all? Eagerly awaiting your missive...

Welcome to all the newbies (and welcome back to others)
I'll crunch those numbers again soon, there are lots of new posters in other threads who have not posted on this roll call, if I had time I'd include them but it just makes my head hurt thinking about it.....still, only 3 years til my youngest goes to school then I'll have all the time in the world....won't I?? Jen NZ
Posts: 809
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 6:36 am

all the time in the world???

Post by lizzyb »

...all the time in the world jen??? Not a chance mate....I'll keep yer busy...!! ;0)

Liz xx
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 11:16 pm

Re: all the time in the world???

Post by Rob25 »

hi all, I don't if any is watching but I'm 25 tbpi to the C5 & C6 on the upper trunk due to freaken dirt on the road. (motorcycle accident 4/13/02)
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 11:16 pm

Re: all the time in the world???

Post by Rob25 »

OOOOh, whats lizzy's all about?
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2002 9:51 pm


Post by Melissa1 »

23 year old from florida, jetski accident gave me a left arm bpi 11 years ago
Posts: 1183
Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 5:24 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.


Post by jennyb »

Hi Rob-Liz's post is in response to mine-we work together on a tbpi support group and website in the UK where motorbike accidents are the commonest cause of bpi. It's at Liz is a tough boss and keeps me busy :0)I didn't have any surgery but many of the regular posters on the message board there did and may be able to help you with your surgery question. Good luck!
Posts: 1183
Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 5:24 pm
Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: January 1980 Yamaha RD200 vs 16 wheeler truck, result, 1 totally paralysed right arm. I was 21, now 54. I had no surgery, I don't regret this. Decided to totally ignore limitations (easily done aged 21) adapted very quickly to one handed life, got married, had 3 kids, worked- the effect of the injury on my life (once the pain stopped being constant) was minimal and now, aged 54, I very rarely even think of it, unless I bash it or it gets cold, then I wish I'd had it amputated :) Except for a steering knob on my car, I have no adaptations to help with life, mainly because I honestly don't think of myself as disabled and the only thing I can't do is peel potatoes, which is definitely a good thing.


Post by jennyb » the two right handed gloves mate, thanks A LOT! very handy in the NZ winter! My family thought it was a very strange thing to get in the post, but then they don't have bpi's! Thanks again :0)
Posts: 56
Joined: Fri Nov 02, 2001 4:43 pm


Post by hazell »

would be good to see those stats updated jen. & there was me thinking there was only 10 of us in the world. would be good if everyone whose not roll called in to stand up & be counted!! is there many more of us in the world? better go back & check if ive signed in lol.

take care all crazy
Posts: 97
Joined: Wed May 29, 2002 2:39 pm


Post by soulofjustice »

I post alot now. My name is Barbara. Im 23 My daughter Justice 2 and half suffers a LBPI from birth. You guys have a wonderful board as well as us with babies. good luck on your post.