Treatments after the TBPI

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Treatments after the TBPI

Post by RhodaJ »

Hi,When I fell in 2/11/2000, along with the RTBPI, I suffered a torn rotaor cuff and knee damage. All along I have been told that that there could be nothing done to treat these injuries until the BPI was healed. Yesterday, I saw an Ortho. who is treating my knee first.I will have PT for 6 weeks to strenghten the knee plus wear a brace and then on Jan 4, 2002 I return and we will discuss surgery. I won't need the use of a cane or walker. He is going to work on a devise so that I can be mobile without putting pressure on the BPI. He said the rotator cuff can not be repaired now. In 6- 8 months, he will do an EMG and determine if I am a candidate for a Shoulder Fusion. He says mostly likely I will be. I am not completely clear of the idea of a shoulder fusion. Does anybody know of this surgery and what it involves? Another thing I found fascinating about this dr., is that he had a BPI 6 years ago. He still suffers numbness in two fingers at times and when the weather is bad, he feels it.I found someone that knows what I am suffering and he works within walking distance from my home. I consider this a God send.Rhoda

Re: Treatments after the TBPI

Post by George »

Hi Rhoda,

I think the shoulder fusion is where they permanently affix the top of the humerous into the shoulder socket. I was told that after the surgery one could move the upper arm just a little, but not very much, as the bone is fused into the socket. If my shoulder had stayed subluxed like it was much longer, I would have had that surgery, cause subluxation was very painful to me. Fortunately my shoulder improved, but I still suspect I have a bit of subluxation.

I think Paulo has had this surgery, and he would be the one to talk to. Glad you found a good doc !! Too bad he suffered a bpi, but that can only favor you. Hope the PT will help out, along with the brace you mentioned for your knee. And good luck if you decide to do the surgery. Take care.......George
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Re: Treatments after the TBPI

Post by Debra »

Hi! I am also a TBPI. My doctor also told me that I would have to wait for by bpi to heal before he would consider doing surgery on it. However, when I saw Dr. Nath, he said that was the worst thing, that I should have gone straight to him. Dr. Nath said that I waited too long to go to him that he could not help me because the nerves already started to reenvervate. But had I gone to him sooner I could have had surgery and been all better by now. Hindsight! Anyway, my first doctor did surgery in March they took out a piece of my shoulder bone to relieve the pressure on the nerves, but it did not work. Now, this week, I am going in again, they now say that in addition to my bpi that I also have Thorasic Outlet Syndrome, and they plan on taking out my first rib to give the nerves/arteries/etc. more room to heal. They said if I don't have it done that my condition would get worse and the pain would increase. I guess I'd better have it done. Anyway, I hope some of this information helps you. Good luck. Debra
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Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2001 8:29 am

Re: Treatments after the TBPI

Post by Phil »

!I had a BPI 30 years ago and I was originally considered shoulder fusion. After 2 years I got a bit use back, biceps, and hand. I have a sensitive/dead line that runs down my arm about 3/4ins wide.
After 3 years I had 3 muscle transplant operations around my shoulder.(2 of them to try rectify the first)
Eventually my arm was stuck out at a funny angle.
After various other problems I was referred to the National Orthopaedic Hospital in Oswestry. They carried out a rotational ostiotomy (55%)had the operation on a Wednesday in the pub Friday lunch. It was brilliant, my arm looks OK now. Thanks Oswestry