
Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Post by joseph »

I was wondering how many mother's of BPI babies had problems breast feeding. How many of the babies also presented with horners?
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Re: Nursing

Post by Jo »

Hi Breonna,
I breastfed my son for 10 months. But it was a difficult start. He had been in NICU for a week so when we came home it was really rocky. Finally I spoke with a Lactation Specialist which Really helped and took all her advice put it to work and he finally latched and nursed and became a pro.
My son also has Horners Syndrome.
Jo(mom to Nick LOBPI)
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Re: Nursing


Jojo has horners. as far as breast feeding: he latched on like he was born for nursing. my oldest son was in NICU 10 days and never really got the hang of it, so I pumped for 3 months.

best of luck to you
Amy Clark
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Re: Nursing

Post by Amy Clark »

My daughter does not have horners. I had a VERY difficult start to breastfeeding, but after work with a lactation consultant, Alexis and I got the hang of it and nursed for 1 year.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, LTBPI at age 6.5, Sensory Issues, CP, Diaphragm Weakness, Aspberger's
Location: Ambler, PA

Re: Nursing

Post by F-Litz »

Maia had Horners. No problems breastfeeding in general although she did favor her unaffected side - I guess it was painful to lean on her affected side. She stopped on her own accord at 22 months.
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Re: Nursing

Post by candjwarner »

Titus did not have Horner's, but at first did not want to nurse on his affected side. When he would nurse on that side, I had to feed him in the "football hold". That lasted for a couple weeks. I would recommend trying that since it puts less pressure on the affected arm and shoulder.
Jamie (mother of Titus 7 months old)
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Re: Nursing

Post by mommieinneed »

Maggie does not have horners.

Maggie was in the NICU for a week and also had seizures so I pumped and gave her a bottle two time a day and nursed the rest of the day. I agree with the football hold it helped us out alot and at two months Maggie refused to take the bottle so we put her meds in cereal and we ended up nursing for 13 months.

Best bonding experience ever. If you havent, try the football hold, it keeps them off their injured side.
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Re: Nursing

Post by claudia »

Juliana had a terrible time nursing. She has mild horner's. She drooled constantly and needed a special nipple when I finally stopped nursing. She was struggling on both sides and chewed me up.

I had nursed a nicu baby and twins...and she was just awful.

If I had it to do again, I would have pumped longer instead of formula...

good luck,
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Re: Nursing

Post by Jake'smom »

I also had a hard time nursing Jacob. He doesn't have horner's. Maybe it just has to do with traumatic deliveries. It could also be more about mom than baby. If you are feeling emotionally distressed (I know I was!) it can affect your milk supply and your ability to nurse. I found that out later on. Now, expecting my 2nd child by c/s in about 3 weeks, I am going to try again and see if we have better luck.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My name is Bridget, my son Brayden has a LOBPI. He was born 5-14-07 and weighted 11lbs 3ozs and was 22inches long and got stuck on my pelvis coming out. All 5 nerves were involved 2 ruptured and 3 avulsed, and also had Horner's Syndrome. He had primary surgery in St. Louis with Dr. Parks when he was 3 months old. He used synthetic materials to fuse the nerves together, because the nerves in his calves were not long enough. Brayden currently does aqua therapy, PT, OT and speech therapy. He has little movement in his arm and hand, but that does not stop him from having fun and being a normal boy!!!
Location: Owensboro, KY

Re: Nursing

Post by bfaithda »

My son Brayden also has Horner's, and I had a terrible time trying to get him to nurse. He would not latch on at all, instead he would just cry no matter what position I tried to but him in. I had to pump for 2 weeks and then decided it was way to much for me trying to deal with his injury and find time to pump and plus take care of him. His Horner's has improved some. It really is noticeable when he gets really sleepy.