Suboxone helped my PAIN!

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
Cowboy Cody
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:03 am

Suboxone helped my PAIN!

Post by Cowboy Cody »

I have been on just about every drug for the pain, and they didn't help or they drove me crazy. So I checked myself into rehab in November 2006. The hospital put me on Suboxone to help me with the withdraws. The first couple of days were rough, but I made it through. Once I got home I tried to get off of the Suboxone, but the pain came back full force. I talked to the doctor he said that I can continue to take it, but when I decide to get off of Suboxone it's going to be tough. I continue to take 2mg two-four times a day as needed for pain. It controls my pain without any of the side affects. I am myself again and can function. I hope this helps someone out there!