
Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:30 am


Post by momofb&b »

I hope someone can help me...I need to write a letter to the trustees of our insurance company regarding triangle tilt surgery. It has been deemed medically necessary, but the doctor's office wants to negotiate a price and the insurance will not negotiate before the surgery is performed, only pay "reasonable and customary" after the surgery. I was thinking of including something about how this doctor has always made improvement for my child, how if they don't negotiate and only pay reasonable and customary, which won't amount to a hill of beans, it will be financially devastating to our family...I have to send this letter ASAP since their meeting is next week(I don't know which day) and I was just informed of all of this an hour ago.

Thanks in advance,
Crystal(Blake's mom)
Posts: 10
Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2007 8:33 pm

Re: Help!!

Post by guest03 »

Do you have a lawyer? I'm wondering if you could dig yourself into a hole if you say the wrong thing like if you say something wrong about the "improvements".
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:17 pm

Re: Help!!

Post by Bev »

All I can say is we have been thru this several times with our insurance company and until the last surgery it has been pretty good. Our last one they approved it then after the surgery are declining. We have been in a financial disaster since our daughter was born and then once she was diagnosed with BP, well, lets just say we will NEVER pay her bills off. I once was told to tell the insurance company to call any other doctor and see what they charge for a TT surgery. They will find that there isn't any that are performing that "exact" surgery so they have to use what your doctor has quoted. They compare the cost between other doctors and that is how they come up with this comparable price they say they will pay. It isn't much to go on but it is something. I wish you well.
Brandi's mom Bev