successful vaginal birth after BPI child

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: successful vaginal birth after BPI child

Post by Jo »

Hi Alisa,
Have you thought of asking your OB to induce you at 36 or 37 weeks, as long as the lungs are mature its possible. That would help keeping the weight of the baby more manageable to deliver. Just a thought.
Jo(Nick's mom)
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Re: successful vaginal birth after BPI child

Post by cassidysmom »

I didn't realize that you had so many risks with anesthetic....that does make it a hard call...I've never been there but will be one day as I hope to have one more's scary and I truly hope you have a smooth and positive birth experience.
Dawn, mom to Cassidy 22 months ROBPI
Jill - Briana's mom
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Re: successful vaginal birth after BPI child

Post by Jill - Briana's mom »

Hi Alisa,

I have had 3 successful vaginal births after having my first who has a LOBPI. I thought I had to have a c-section after my first was injured but I had a long talk with my OB at the time and we went over everything and decided we would be prepared for the c-section but aim for a vaginal delivery. (She was not the OB who delivered my first.)

I had two of them naturally and one with an epidural. If you have any other questions, you can email me at

Jill mom of Briana 6yr LOBPI
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Re: successful vaginal birth after BPI child

Post by mommieinneed »

I had my first daughter who was 8.10 and had a slight BPI, then I had my second who was 10.6 and we had her two weeks early and natural, she ended up having a severe BPI, so when I got pregnant with the third he was 8.13 three weeks early and we had a c-section with him.

I wish you the best of luck. You have a very hard decision to make and I will be praying for you and a healthy baby outcome.