Awareness Week

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Sue (Sarah's mom)
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 4:01 pm

Awareness Week

Post by Sue (Sarah's mom) »

Just had to let everyone know that Awareness Week promotion does work. I live in a small town in upstate New York and today when I opened the paper there was an article about a little girl about 45 mins. from me who had BPI. In the article was information about BPI and Awareness Week in October. I couldn't believe it! That is the first time in 17 yrs. (Sarah is 17 now) that I have ever read anything about this injury locally. No one around here ever seemed to know anything about it. Sorry to ramble but am excited. To the mother of this little girl: Please email me. We are very close in location and I would love to talk to you.
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Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2001 12:52 pm

Re: Awareness Week

Post by francine »

do you have a scanner?can you scan it....or is it on the web? what is the name of the newspaper? would love to see it!

Sue (Sarah's mom)
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 4:01 pm

Re: Awareness Week

Post by Sue (Sarah's mom) »

Hi Francine.......I do have a scanner and I will try to scan the article for you. Sometimes the gremlins are in there and it doesn't work but I will give it a try. Please let me know when you receive it. Have a good Thanksgiving!
Posts: 1012
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:33 pm

Re: Awareness Week

Post by Kathleen »

Sue I am from a small town in NY...almost upstate depending on were you come from....
I live in Pearl River, Rockland County...We also had and article last year on obpi and I met several from this area who have injured children.... No support group this side of the Hudson..... but seems way too many kids...newest is under one year and from my town.......sorry to say.
Sue (Sarah's mom)
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 4:01 pm

Re: Awareness Week

Post by Sue (Sarah's mom) »

Guess I should change "upstate" NY to "northern" NY. Like 20 min. from the Canadian border along the St. Lawrence River. Can't get much more northern in NY than us. I'm sure there are more families w/BPI in NY.
Hopefully w/Awareness Week and the message board we will find each other.
Posts: 1012
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2001 5:33 pm


Post by Kathleen »


You can't get more north.....LOL

I am 40 minutes north west of New York City...LOL>.. and considered by my family on Long Island as living upstate...can't change their minds....LOL... right on New Jersey Boarder.....
Sue (Sarah's mom)
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 4:01 pm


Post by Sue (Sarah's mom) »

Gee, if you're upstate, I must be..............LOL. Hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving! We sure did and no snow......Yippee.....last year at this time we were buried and stayed that way til spring.