Pain Medication

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Pain Medication

Post by Fredrick »

What are some of the pain medications being taken for nerve and muscle pain? I am currently taking percocets for muscle pain, Topama for nerve pain, Cycobenzaprine for muscle relaxation, Baclofen. I just started this cocoction, so I really don't know how this will work for me. I am interested in knowing what works for you. Thanks
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by misery101 »

I am currently on percocet they work fairly well but the dr. only gives me 90 a month which isnt nearly you see pain management dr. or do you just see family dr. when was your accident?..I think the pain is the worse part of the injury
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by misery101 »

I am currently on percocet they work fairly well but the dr. only gives me 90 a month which isnt nearly you see pain management dr. or do you just see family dr. when was your accident?..I think the pain is the worse part of the injury
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by Fredrick »

The pain clinic has prescribed me the percocets. They seem to work so so, but have a tendency to make me sick and tired.
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by Ripp »

I've been taking Lyrica for months and it's the only relief I've found. Everything else, up to and including methadone, had no effect. The Lyrica doesn't eliminate the pain but it keeps it at a tolerable level most of the time. The occasional flare-up still stops me in my tracks, though.
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by kmartens »

I'm doing Neurontin once a day (bedtime) which allows me to sleep, that makes the pain more tolerable during the day. I'm just doing ibuprofen twice a day and Lortab for worse pain, once every few days. Good luck!
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by swhite1 »

This works for me.
1300mg Gabapentin 4x3[12](3-400mg+1-100mg)x3 - NERVE PAIN(Important one)
10mg Methadone 5x2[10] - Not sure anymore...
350mg Carisoprodol 1x2[ 2] - Muscle
5mg Hydrcodone 1x4[ 4] - Bone pain
15mg Tamazepam 3x1[ 3] - Sleep, solid, deep sleep
50mg Amitriptyline 2x1[ 2] - Mood altering of some sort
20mg Omeprazole 1x1[ 1] - Protects the belly
More or less.
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by Fredrick »

I have learned to live with the nerve pain. Although after I had scar tissue removed from my brachial plexus nerve, my nerve pain has increased greatly. In the the past, I was up to 1600mg of nuerotin, which did nothing for me. The removed scar tissue has also caused a great deal of shoulder, upper back and lat muscle pain. The Percocets help but make me quite sick to my stomach. What is lyrica? Is it used for nerve pain?
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Re: Pain Medication

Post by swhite1 »

First congratulations on 'kicking the habit'. I truly commend anyone who can manage unassisted. I know I can not. Not completly anyway I'm sure. Mostly because of all the accessory damage;shoulder, elbow and wrist.
I don't know the extent of your damage and removal of scar tissue has me wondering as to what caused the scar tissue and can you or do you have more or less range of motion?
Thanks for being a trooper.
Peace out and
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Posts: 845
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: Date of Injury: 12/15/02

Level of Injury:
-dominant side C5, C6, & C7 avulsed. C8 & T1 stretched & crushed

BPI Related Surgeries:
-2 Intercostal nerves grafted to Biceps muscle,
-Free-Gracilis muscle transfer to Biceps Region innervated with 2 Intercostal nerves grafts.
-2 Sural nerves harvested from both Calves for nerve grafting.
-Partial Ulnar nerve grafted to Long Triceps.
-Uninjured C7 Hemi-Contralateral cross-over to Deltoid muscle.
-Wrist flexor tendon transfer to middle, ring, & pinky finger extensors.

Surgical medical facility:
Brachial Plexus Clinic at The Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN
(all surgeries successful)

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
~Theodore Roosevelt
Location: Los Angeles, California USA

Re: Pain Medication

Post by Christopher »

I looked into having scar tissue removed and was seriously warned against it by Dr. Spinner, the neurosurgeon on the BPI Team at the Mayo Clinic. I met up with another BPI specialist out here in LA, Dr. Aaron Filler, and he thought it would help. He specializes in pain relief and does more scar tissue removal than just about anything. Only problem was that the procedure would cost me $6,000, since he doesn't do the health insurance thing.

I'm sorry yours didn't work out for you. I rarely hear about people doing this and I understand why. The procedure must be extremely delicate and precise.

I hope you find relief down the road. How long ago did you have this done? And how soon did it take for the pin to worsen?
