cheerleading question

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Ruthie's Mom
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:22 pm

Re: cheerleading question

Post by Ruthie's Mom »

Hi Mica,

Ruth will gain some supination and external rotation with this surgery. She will lose some internal rotation. The doctors with whom we have consulted feel that over the course of her life she will need the motion she gains more than what she will lose. And hopefully, reduce the chance of overusing her left arm.

She is a very brave person, but right now some of these issues are terribly trying.

Thanks for your prayers and all the best to little Aria.
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Re: cheerleading question

Post by Mica »

Oh, wow! This surgery sounds very promising - both for movement to gain and problems to avoid!

We'll pray both for the operation to go well, and for Ruth to be comforted emotionally. I'm learning how defeated this injury can make our children feel. However, it really sounds like Ruth is a strong, resilient girl!

Please keep us all posted about how she is doing! :)

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Re: cheerleading question

Post by veda »

that is so great my 7 year old with bracial plexis and winging scapula stated cheerleading this year I was the assistant coach. I say let her do it just know her limits. my daughter would have a hard time so I allowd her to cheer at times with no movement to her affected side and encouraged her to do her best. she loves it and can't wait untill nest season.
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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:35 pm

Re: cheerleading question

Post by aidansmom311 »

Just some cheerleading info I learned this year. My sister (without BPI) made the popwarner squad and her team went to the nationals in Florida this year. Not sure if everywhere is like this but this sport was brutal. Practices were numerous and perfection was all that mattered. This became much worse as they went further in the competitions. For most of us "imperfects" it would be a harsh world to be in. I would be cautious of my BPI child entering this world (or even a non-BPI child for that matter) as they have enough hurdles to climb. It certainly would not teach the motto "Hard work pays off". Sorry to put a damper on the topic but I thought I should at least share what I've seen.