Anyone else have experience with this

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Anyone else have experience with this

Post by JamieMarie'smommie »

Jamie's therapist had one of the other therapists through Early Intervention come and see Jamie yesterday because Jamie's right sholdur has been drooping lower than the left and they noticed that Jamie's chest on the right side is flat unlike the left that is rounded and "normal". Does anyone else have any experience with this issue??

Amanda (mom to Jamie Marie 2.5 years old ROBPI)
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:50 pm

Re: Anyone else have experience with this

Post by veda »

thats what my daughters pt told me he also noticed that the bones in her face the affected side is much lower than the other side
Posts: 54
Joined: Tue May 22, 2007 11:27 pm

Re: Anyone else have experience with this

Post by felicia »

Olivia's left shoulder droops also, but I have not noticed anything with her chest. The sleeve on her left side is ALWAYS longer than the right-so annoying! I thought for a very long time it was because her left arm was shorter...the drs. and PT/OT insist it's not, that it's just because her shoulder is drooped. I personally don't think they can get an accurate measurement because she won't sit still long enough for anyone to measure, but what do I know, right?? Why the issue with the chest though?
Felicia, mom to Olivia, 2