sling or brace for running?

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sling or brace for running?

Post by trimommy »

i have been searching for a sling or other type of brace that will hold my arm secure enough to run. i had my surgery 5 weeks ago and although i can spin, ride bike on trainer, swim and use cardio machines, i would love to run. i bought a shoulder stabalizer called the sully brace and while it does hold my shoulder my lower arm just flops. The sully will be great once i get some flexion back, but until then.....i have not run since before my accident and i am itching for a nice long run....any ideas?
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by Mica »


Try posting this question on the adult OBPI board. Scott, a policeman with an OBPI, usually has excellent ideas regarding splinting for active people.

Good luck! Congratulations on getting through your surgery. I truly hope you have remarkable success from it!!!

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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by ptrefam »

Here's a link to a thread on slings. Fernando has designed one. There is a link on the page where you can get in touch with him or see the sling. I think he is quite active too, so possibly his sling would work for you.
Sue ... 710#129710
Pier Jumper
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by Pier Jumper »

Use this for running: The Ultimate Arm Sling. This is what I use and it works perfect - just do not put your thumb in the holdser slot. Also, make sure that you also buy the swathe that wraps around. It all closes with velcro and is very snug - no arm flopping at all but the swathe is key.

I bought my online bit also saw then for sale at Rite Aide.
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by Fernando »

Hi every one and I wish you all the best for this coming year!!!

Sorry I have not been on the site lately to try to help with the sling but I been too busy with work plus I found out that the sling I mead for Chris and Dan did not fit them right so I have to go back and figure out the right measurement for them (meaning for tall people) although the one I have should fit people my size.

I am going out of town tomorrow and coming back next week and then I have to travel again the end of the week but I will try to meet with this people (the company that helps me) before the end of this month.

And just as a comment Dan, Chris and I met down here in Mexico to go water ski and had a very good time, Dan is and excellent water skier and we got Chris on one ski so he had a blast on the water, we will do it again on the spring so anybody interested welcome.


PD Richard how are you? hope you can come next time to Mexicali you will really enjoy it, let´s keep in touch and I have not work on your sling for the above issues. How are you coming with the decision of chopping it off?
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by JudyC »

Hey Fernando I messaged Ellen to try to find out how to get a hold of u my son David is 13 and has bpi from an aur bag since October of 2005 and we did go to your web site and David really likes your sling to how can I get one like that for him he has had several others and he hates them but when he rides his bike I think he should be wearing one or when he is skateboarding or hunting I think you know what Imean when is most active... I haven't been on much lately and was on the other night and had come across Ellens messages and saw your web address and had read all about you and was curious to find out more can u please help? Thank You Judy
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by Fernando »

Hi Judy

Send me the height and weight of David and if you can send me a picture too ( and I will try to play with the sling to try to fit it to one of my nephews.

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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by trimommy »

hi fernando,
I would love to try out your sling. i am anxious to start running and try my bike as soon as they build me a new one! I am signed up for the NYC triathlon and have 6 months to get used to this new way of life!! althoughj comparatively speaking, the triathlon will be a cakewalk! I know Dan said his sling didnt fit right, but i am not so tall. I am 5'3" and 115 lbs.
i will also try to email you. My email address is
thanks, Robin
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by JudyC »

Fernando the picture u want of David do u want it to be a full body picture or a waist up picture or just of his face? Judy
Posts: 25
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Re: sling or brace for running?

Post by timmygirl711 »

My boyfriend is also looking for a sling that he can be more active in. I have previously seen your sling and would like to get him one also. Please let me know how I can get one for him! He is 5'11" and 190 lbs and has a right BPI. Thank you so much for your incredible sling!
