are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

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are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by solson »

DD's specialist has made reference to a tendon transfer and I was curious if that is somehow different than a mod quad or the same thing? How succesful are the tendon transfer surgeries? In her case it was mentioned that she might lose movement to gain movement. What specific types of movements are often sacrificed?
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 28 years old with a right obstetrical brachial plexus injury. 5 surgeries to date with pretty decent results. Last surgery resolved years of pain in my right arm however, I am beginning my journey with overuse in my left arm
Location: Minnesota

Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by hope16_05 »

Contact the dr again and ask those very same questions! THey will best be able to answer you. Tendon transfers can be any tendon in the entire body. It would be important to know which ones they are thinking about transfering. I have had a few different ones. One in my hand, flexor digitorum superficialis from the middle finger to the extensor digitorum communis. Then I had a lattisimus dorsi tendon transfer in my upper arm. And lastly I had the pec major tendon transfer to my scapula. Three totally different surgeries, all tendon transfers.

hope that helps!
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN
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Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by felicia »

My daughter just had a tendon transfer in October w/ Dr. Kozin at Shriners. He transfered 2 tendons in the lattisimus dorsis (sorry if its misspelled). He did say that sometimes children wind up slightly more internally rotated than before the surgery. Her surgery was an amazing success. She went from 90 degrees overhead flexion to about 170 within the days after her cast was removed. I have not noticed any problem with being more internally rotated. Her arm is not "fixed" as much and her fine motor is improving greatly as well. Dr. Waters (in Boston) explained to me that the term "mod quad" was the name that Texas Childrens Hospital called their surgery, but that he and Dr. Kozin did a surgery that was the same as that, it just didn't have a formal name. I am hoping people don't jump at me for saying this, I am just telling you what I was told by the doctors I saw (and yes, I saw Nath as well). Speak with your doctor to clear up any questions you have, as each case is different. Good Luck
Felicia, mom to Olivia, 2, LOBPI
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Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by felicia »

My daughter just had a tendon transfer in October w/ Dr. Kozin at Shriners. He transfered 2 tendons in the lattisimus dorsis (sorry if its misspelled). He did say that sometimes children wind up slightly more internally rotated than before the surgery. Her surgery was an amazing success. She went from 90 degrees overhead flexion to about 170 within the days after her cast was removed. I have not noticed any problem with being more internally rotated. Her arm is not "fixed" as much and her fine motor is improving greatly as well. Dr. Waters (in Boston) explained to me that the term "mod quad" was the name that Texas Childrens Hospital called their surgery, but that he and Dr. Kozin did a surgery that was the same as that, it just didn't have a formal name. I am hoping people don't jump at me for saying this, I am just telling you what I was told by the doctors I saw (and yes, I saw Nath as well). Speak with your doctor to clear up any questions you have, as each case is different. Good Luck
Felicia, mom to Olivia, 2, LOBPI
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Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by Mare »

Your right the mod quad is done by other doctors and for some reason people think Dr Nath invented it. The truth is Dr Laurents bpi team at TCH was calling it that before Dr Nath started on there team. It was Dr Shenaq that did this surgery in the early 90"s which is when it was 1st discussed with us as an option for Frankie. As Far as losing movement from the mod quad to gain other Dr Nath told us he never had that happen and Frankie didn't lose anything but he also didn't have a whole lot to lose.
For a complete description of the mod quad go to drnath.medical. I think this is why people think its his surgery he has a website that explains everything in detail I don't think there are other sites by doctors like this and if there are please tell me so I can browse.
Amy Clark
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Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by Amy Clark »

The mod quad is a name for a specific tendon transfer. Many many doctors do the surgery; that's what Dr. Nath's team calls it. My daughter had the same surgery done at Boston Children's, it just wasn't called that.

Dr. Waters told us that to gain external rotation, sometimes a child will lose some internal rotation. Many times its not "lost" for good. Therapy following surgery should address not only muscles whose tendons were transferred, but also corresponding muscles to avoid losing opposite motions. While Lexi's surgery was designed to improve her external roation, we also did therapy to regain the internal rotation that was temporarily lost.
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Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by katep »


Here is one site I found very useful: ... lexus.html

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Re: are tendon transfers and mod quads different?

Post by Mare »

Thanks kate I like the way that site shows the pics of the bones it helps to understand frankies shoulder and elbow problems Mare