Awareness {kinda long im on a mission}

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Awareness {kinda long im on a mission}

Post by mommieinneed »

Last night I was watching Deal or No Deal, I taped it Friday because we were out, anyways it was about Breast Cancer.

While I was watching I started thinking. Why is there only one week awareness for BPI. I didnt get my letters done till yesterday so im sending them out tomorrow, to me why a week it should be an everyday awareness.

So I started brainstorming {not really a good thing with me LOL}. How can we get started a BPI monthly awareness program like they do for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

I really want to get something started I think im going to write some congress people or heck maybe even the supreme court or something just to see what I can get started. If anyone has any other suggestion for me PLEASE give them away. It may have already been done but im going to try again, heck if we keep on them maybe something will come of this.

I may be out of my league but something has to get started and im going to try my best to do this.

Get ready because im on a path for HOPE for all our kids, and im not going to stop until I get something accomplished.
Ben's Dad
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Re: Awareness {kinda long im on a mission}

Post by Ben's Dad »

If I may make a suggestion, writing to Congress is a good start..if you see some of the other recent posts about "changing the system" you can get more suggestions, writing to CDC, NIH...etc..
I would not waste any time writing to the Supreme Court, the Court is not a political branch of government (or at least it's not supposed to be), their main purpose is to interpret the Constitution as applied in cases brought before them. So...the only way to even get to them is through multiple appeals and be if they agreed to review the case because it has constitutional implications.
Keep us posted, I'll join the fight...we need all the troops we can for this "mission".
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Re: Awareness {kinda long im on a mission}

Post by mommieinneed »

I did write to our congressman today. Cant wait to see what becomes of it.

Im also sending my letter to 7 of our newspapers around here and im going to call our newstations tomorrow as well.

I am on a mission and im not going to stop no matter what.
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Re: Awareness {kinda long im on a mission}

Post by ptrefam »

I bumped up a thread that looked pretty good with info on awareness. Also senator Bob Dole has a BPI injury.
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Re: Awareness {kinda long im on a mission}

Post by kksmommy »

I really want to make a group on myspace for BPI...but I need a co-moderator. I just don't have time to do it all myself...any takers??? I am a member of a few mommy's groups and feel that I could spread a lot of info this way. I know a lot of these pregnant women have no idea this is even a problem.