Lyrica vs. Neurontin

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Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by bensmom »

First of all let me just say "Insurance companies...grrr" DH started taking Lyrica last week through a sample program. We went to get it refilled yesterday and the insurance company won't authorize it. They will however cover neurontin, so I guess we're going to be trying that instead, at least for the time being. I've tried doing online searches for the differences between the drugs and the differences seem to be different for everyone. Does anyone here have a good online resource for understanding this- or anyone that has been on both have any experiences to share? Thanks
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by Joy in FL »

If you have already done this forgive me. Will your insurance company pay for it if your doctor says he has to have Lyrica? It may be worth a try. I know the Lyrica is expensive.

When Lyrica was suggested to me I was told the big difference between the two is the side effects. There are supposedly less side effects with the Lyrica. But, like you said I think this goes back to it is different for everyone.
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by bensmom »

Thanks for the reply! Yes, the Dr. has been back and forth with the insurance company, they are still trying, but the Lyrica runs out tonight, so I guess we're going with the neurontin for now. The Dr.'s office said that in the past month they are suddenly having a realy hard time getting Lyrica (and some other meds) approved by any of the insurance companies. She said that if he tries the neurontin for awhile and it's not working they might be able to get them to pay for the Lyrica. Truthfully, the Lyrica hasn't really started working yet anyway, but I just hate having him jump from medication to medication. I'm quickly realizing that I might as well get used to fights with the insurance company!
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by marieke »

I have been on both. Neurontin worked well for me for over 2 years, then started to work a little less well and I had the side effect of it messing with my memory and concentration. Being a nursing student I could not stand this, so I lowered my dose which helped a bit but I still found it to be a bit sedating (granted I have weird school/clinical hours and am on a few otehr meds, so who knows!).

I switched to Lyrica and have had less side effects and am on a much lower dose to control the pain.

You say that your husband has not really felt the effect of the Lyrica working yet? It's been over a week? He should have felt somepain relief by now anyway. It may be that the dose is too low for him. How much was he taking and do you know how much Neurontin he has been prescribed? These are meds that work pretty fast once the correct dosage is achieved.

Marieke (31, LOBPI)
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by bensmom »

Thanks for your reply Marieke. DH started on 75mg 2X a day per the orthopedic surgeon. When we saw the neurologist, he told us to up it to 75mg in the morning and 150 mg at night since that is when the pain is worse. DH did that for the first time last night. I just picked up the script for the neurontin and he is supposed to take 300mg 2X a day. The neuroligist said he wants to monitor and increase as necessary. Is this a "typical" does for a BPI injury? (I know typical means next to nothing since everyone is so different)
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by marieke »

Honestly I have no clue what the typical dose is for BPI. I take it b/c on top of having LOBPI (NOT traumatic) which I do not have any pain from, I have a spinal cord injury from 3 years ago (viraly induced Transverse Myelits which paralyzed me from the chest down, and has left me with residual paralysis and neuro pain, loss of sensation, spasticity...).

BUT, 300mg x 3 a day is the usual start dose... As far as I know you can take up to 3600mg a day (may be more). So try that for a while and go up slow, it may not take away all the pain of course, nothing is guarantied, but at least may make it so that he can function.

Marieke (31, LOBPI and TM)
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by swhite1 »

Howdy y'all,
I take 3-400mg and 1-100mg three times a day. Don't know if it works...I forget but sure don't like not having them.
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by Joy in FL »

I started out with a small dose as well. It was okay but I found the higher dose of 300mg is much better. I take one pill a day. It was too expensive to break the dosage up. But, the once a day works fairly well in combination with the pain medication.

Don't be afraid to raise the dose. Just do it in small steps.

Good luck I really hope he finds the right "cocktail" to help him with the pain.
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by chriscnaz »

Nuero just increased Nuerontin from 330mg 3x/day to 600 3x/day, if this doesn't work he mentioned trying Lyrica.

Some side effects on memory and concentration, but the main issue has been diziness and headaches with the increase, trying it for 1 more week, if headaches continue - then drop back to 900mg/day and will ask about Lyrica.

Anyone else had issues with headaches and dizziness? Did it go away once body adjusted to increase?
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Re: Lyrica vs. Neurontin

Post by Joy in FL »

I do remember headaches when I first started. But, it seems that is normal for me! :-) I also remember that all the "side effects" went away fairly quickly. Within a week or two. It did not take my body long to adjust to the Lyrica.
Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991