Myotrac for use in BPI

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by F-Litz »

You can tell them that he has to be plugged into his mother ship at night!

I love playin with people who gawk. Been there how many times with all Maia's surgeries...I love the shirt Maia has "I had surgery, what's your excuse?"
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Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by Mare »

Frankies therapist managed to locate a biofeed back machine not the myotrac but she feels they all do the same thing we get to try it on Wed she didn't want us to waste our money if it doesn't work. Everyone keep there fingers crossed. Mare
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no external rotation against gravity, can only go to 90 degree fwd flexion, no hand-to-mouth
1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by marieke »

Fran, I want that t-shirt! LOL

I also need one that says, I'm paralyzed not 'deaf, dumb...' you name it!

I have one that says, I Drive my wheelchair better than you drive your car!

Marieke (31, LOBPI)
Marieke Dufresne RN
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Location: Minnesota

Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by hope16_05 »

Good luck Mare!!! I hope it works awesome for Frankie!
What I learned this weekend is that the older myotrac is either more sensitive or I have gotten stronger from camp but either way I still have been feeling it all day and I only played with the myotrac for maybe 15 minutes but probably more like 10 minutes and wow! The bummer was I didnt get to bring it back to college with me because I dont know when I am home again and I can realy only loan the unit for a week at a time :( pouting over here, I really wanted to have it a couple weeks to play with it.

Now back to plan b getting a script from my dr on the 8th and getting one covered by insurance.

Anyway I hope it works awesome for Frankie!!!! Good luck!
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN
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Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by Kath »

Yeah for Frankie.
Good Luck Mare
Kath robpi/adult
Kath robpi/adult

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Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by katep »

Yippee for Frankie, I hope he can discover lots of new muscles :)

Amy, each myotrac has a HUGE range of sensitivity. As it turns out, I was using the one at Camp on a very INsensitive setting (suits me right for not reading the manual and just assuming that "gain" always means the same thing... it was opposite of what I expected it to be!) So you can make the machine much more sensitive than I had it on at Camp, which would have helped tremendously in the "finding muscles" department!?! I'm amazed everyone did so incredibly well even with such a big hurdle to "find" their muscles! If used correctly, it really should be even easier...

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI
no external rotation against gravity, can only go to 90 degree fwd flexion, no hand-to-mouth
1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by marieke »

hehe.. yeah, I discovered that after reading the manual too... lol
Marieke (31, LOBPI)
Marieke Dufresne RN
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Location: Minnesota

Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by hope16_05 »

this myotrac only had three sensitivity settings and the first one was way super easy and then the second one I could not even get out of the green.

It had a little different color scale too. Definitely an older version.

I could definitely tell I worked my muscles though and it was only about 10-15 minutes. Then they were sore for two days but I also had a cold so that probably didnt help.
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN
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Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by claudia »

So I guess now that we got our machine, you think I should read the manual, huh?!

And, in a house with a boy, you would think we would have batteries of all types...hmmmm, I guess Andrew used up all the 9v on his walkietalkies! Anyone need anything at the market??

I will be working with Juliana this afternoon. She is soooooo excited that "my machine" is here.

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Re: Myotrac for use in BPI

Post by katep »


I'm glad it finally arrived!! I can't wait to hear how it goes with Juliana! I hope it shows she has stayed in touch with her biceps this whole time, wouldn't that be fantastic!
