Femke videostory at age 2

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Femke videostory at age 2

Post by johnstrike »

Last year I posted a video that shows the healing process of my daughter's Erbs Palsy. It is one year later now and today she turned 2. I thought maybe some of you might be interested to see her recovery at age 2. I posted a new video at youtube: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=iGMPuRKCmDc

To avoid a discussion I would like to emphasis that this is by no means a statement against surgery.
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI
no external rotation against gravity, can only go to 90 degree fwd flexion, no hand-to-mouth
1 surgery at age 14 (latissimus dorsi transfer). In 2004, at age 28 I was struck with Transverse Myelitis which paralyzed me from the chest down. I recovered movement to my right leg, but need a KAFO to walk on my left leg. I became an RN in 2008.
Location: Montreal, Qc, Canada

Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by marieke »

She is beautiful! Keep up the great work Femke!
Marieke (LOBPI)
Marieke Dufresne RN
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: 28 years old with a right obstetrical brachial plexus injury. 5 surgeries to date with pretty decent results. Last surgery resolved years of pain in my right arm however, I am beginning my journey with overuse in my left arm
Location: Minnesota

Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by hope16_05 »

Happy birthday Femke!!!
She looks fantastic! Congrats!
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN
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Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by ptrefam »

Wow Great Job!! I am so happy for you and Femke.
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Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by Kristie »

Thanks so much for sharing!! It was very exciting to watch!
Carolyn J
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI. I am 77 yrs old and never had a name for my injuries until 2004 when I found UBPN at age 66.

My injuries are: LOBPI on upper body and Cerebrael Palsy on the lower left extremities. The only intervention I've had is a tendon transplant from my left leg to my left foot to enable flexing t age 24 in 1962. Before that, my foot would freeze without notice on the side when wearing heels AND I always did wear them at work "to fit in" I also stuttered until around age 18-19...just outgrew it...no therapy for it. Also suffered from very very low self esteem; severe Depression and Anxiety attacks started at menopause. I stuffed emotions and over-compensated in every thing I did to "fit in" and be "invisible". My injuries were Never addressed or talked about until age 66. I am a late bloomer!!!!!

I welcome any and all questions about "My Journey".
Sharing helps to Heal. HUGS do too.
Location: Tacoma WA

Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by Carolyn J »

Congratulations Mom and Dad too. She is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing her with us.

HUGS all around,
Carolyn J
LOBPI adult/69
Carolyn J
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Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by Joanie »

Happy Birthday, Femke!

It takes my computer an incredibly long time to download videos, but it was worth it! She's beautiful. May she grow from strength to strength.

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, LTBPI at age 6.5, Sensory Issues, CP, Diaphragm Weakness, Aspberger's
Location: Ambler, PA

Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by F-Litz »

john, that is a beautiful movie - thank you so much for updating it and posting it. I loved watching every minute of it.

I have a technical question for you and actually I posted on youtube but didn't hear back from you....

what format of video did you use to be able to have such a high quality video of that length and keep it under 100 mb? I do a lot of video clips of Maia but I lose so much quality when I convert it and compress it. Right now I compress to an MP4 file.... you can see my videos if you search for FranLitz over at youtube... can you please give me some pointers? franlitz@gmail.com

Thanks so much and give kissies to Femke - what a sweetypie!
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Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by johnstrike »

I tape my movies on a low end JVC digital camera. I transfer the video's by firewire connection to my PC. Then I compile a movie in Windows Movie Maker (free under Windows XP). Last I save to movie to my PC in a format that give about 50 Meg. This time I used "Video for Lan (1.0 Mbs)". But I also use some other formats.

Hopes this helps you.

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: LOBPI, LTBPI at age 6.5, Sensory Issues, CP, Diaphragm Weakness, Aspberger's
Location: Ambler, PA

Re: Femke videostory at age 2

Post by F-Litz »

Thanks John!