R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

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R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by angelsmom »

With the up coming hoildays ( halloween, thanksgiving & all dec. holidays) when you stay at the Ronald McDonald hose do they do anything for these days, fior the kids staying there?
melanie, mom of angelina 4 ROBPI
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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by angelsmom »

Just a note, I already wrote the one in Camden, NJ 2 times in the past month and have not heard back from them. so i was hoping a parent that stayed at one would know. thanks again,
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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by F-Litz »

I would think that these would be very special days there. Remember that most of the families there have children who are very ill and they may be living there for a month or even more.... the volunteers come in to make meals so I'm sure that Thanksgiving would be traditional and there would be halloween treats, etc. I couldn't imagine it otherwise - the people there are so nice.
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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by LoriV »

We stayed there the week before Christmas and it was very nice. Other than the usual groups that come and cook dinner, there were extra activities. One group actually came and distributed really nice gifts to each child staying there. They weren't "generic" gifts either. Each one had a tag with the childs name on it and was age/gender appropriate.

They also had craft activities and I think a music group came and played one night. They definitely made it special.
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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by brandonsmom »

Our Church serves dinner at the Ronald McDonald House in Chicago, and I know that our group makes sure that if we gon around a certain holiday that special treats go along with them, even if it is nothing more than pumpkin shaped cookies, etc.

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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by angelsmom »

Our 4 year old little girl still wants to wear her costume for Halloween and I adapted it to work over her cast, but We will be getting the cast off ithe week of halloween and staying at the Ronald Mc Donald House that whole week...., I guess we can bring some candy (all prewraped)for her & everyone else for that day just in case, and let her run around in her costume that day :)
Thanks everyone :)

PS can we go anywere else after therapy for the day or do we have to stay at the McD's house all day??
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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by angelsmom »

Ohhh, ok, Thanks for the Heads Up, Louise :)
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Re: R. McDpnald Hose & Holidays

Post by Drake's Mom »

Melanie, are you talking about the Ronald McDonald house in Rochester? We are not staying there, but we will be at the Mayo Clinic on Halloween also. I wasn't sure how to get into the Ronald Mc Donald house so i am looking for a hotel to stay at. My son was very concerned about missing trick or treat!!

Drake's Mom
6 year old with Viral induced RTBPI since 9-30-06
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Re: R. McDonald House & Holidays

Post by angelsmom »

We will Be staying for therapy in the Camden New Jersey Ronold McDonald house. I had Social Sevice in the hosptail set it up for us.
melanie mom of angelina age 4 ROBP