Alternative Treatments??

This board is for adults and teens to discuss issues relating to BPI since birth (OBPI).
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Alternative Treatments??

Post by shortygirls »

My daughter (16 months) gets PT and OT 4 days a week for her left arm OBPI. She has regained about 85% use of her arm - the shoulder being the area most stubborn. Because she has regained so much use of her arm, surgery just isn't an option for her - we've been told the risk that she could lose function is too great. PT and OT is helping her learn to use her arm (even with compensation), but we seem to have reached a standstill and there has not been any real progress in her mobility for over 6 months. I have heard of alternative methods being used for treatment- ie, acupuncture, physiotherapy, etc. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge with other methods of treatment that might help us get her past this plateau? I'm open to hearing other avenues... Many thanks!
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Re: Alternative Treatments??

Post by m&mmom »

My son Matthew also goes to pt and ot. We also see an acupuncturist and chiropractor/reiki energy/massage person. I cannot speak highly enough of our experiences with them. If you are unsure about a treatment go to one yourself to see what it feels like. In the fall I am hopefully going to take a reiki class. I think alternative treatments enhance recovery. Before we started acupuncture with Matthew he had no movement at all. Then after a couple of treatments he started moving fingers then his wrist. When he had primary the surgeons were "baffled" (the exact word used) how he could move his wrist and fingers. If you have any questions please e-mail me at I'm moving in a couple of weeks so if you want a quick response that's the best way to ask me right now. Good luck
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Re: Alternative Treatments??

Post by Kathleen »

Hi Shorty girls...

I used Massage therapy - ops! my Mom massaged me daily with warm olive oil...

I was constantly pushed to move my arm - We had a bar in the house between two rooms - and I was hung from the bar as soon as I was old enough to hold on...

Each hand and arm had assigned tasks. It came from years of training and I never realized it until I was mature... like last year!

I was given clay to use and allowed to climb when I was ready. My therapy was all home therapy after a year or two and done by the family...

Hi - and I know you have seen how I move... I thought it was you... I just had x-ray of my shoulder to see if it is malformed or not... I have scapular winging... Could her should be out of place?????

Don't give up! you never know when she may be able to do more...

Warning!!! Bpi children are very stubbron, tired of being bossed around, tired of people touching them etc... so a break is necessary sometimes just to put things back in to balance.... and to help the baby feel more in control... even though we know she is not.. Her age can really make therapy a problem...
Every game I played was really therapy and I never realized it...

Hope this helps...
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Re: Alternative Treatments??

Post by francine »

Sometimes plateaus hit and then there is rapid improvement....growth spurts are really hard on my daughter - she loses so much forward motion it's incredible.

Massage / reiki / chiropractic / acupuncture / homeopathy, etc.

These are all alternatives that help the body strengthen itself and heal itself in so many ways. Maybe these can help push through the 'wall'. I always suggest to people that they experience the treatments firsthand - you still have to find a good practitioner, someone experienced with little ones and someone you will trust with your child. Trust your gut - you will know who you will feel comfortable with easily and fast.

good luck,
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Re: Alternative Treatments??

Post by admin »

I liked the reply by Kathleen about all the home therapy and the games that were also therapy - that's how I've approached it - so that my son, Alessandro, knew he was whole just as he was, and had this other arm to deal with too. ALthough he has a serious injury he has gone beyond the expectation of theapists and neurologists and certainly general doctors. It's not that he's "cured", it's that he's developed and continues to develop strong ability within his limits while pushing those limits on a regular basis. He bats in Little League - it's hard, but he want to. He swims, he just does what he wants to.

We have also used Feldenkrais Therapy to wonderful effect - he has seen a practitioner for most of his life - he is now 7. Check out the Feldenkrais Guild Site online - adn see if that's available in your area. We drive 160 mile round trip for it and I consider it worth the time and money.

The other alternative is our attitude - we all have that choice. I am honored to be entrusted with this fun, funny, passionate little kid, and he is raised to be in awe of the world and its challenges and mysteries.

We haven't done surgeries, but when he's older if the right one comes along that will assuredly help with functionality - not just give him a few more degrees beyond the ninety he can now raise his arm - and will also help him with strength - then if he wants it - I'll do all I can to make sure he gets it.

I hope these thoughts are of some use to you>

All good things and blessings to you and your child, adn whomever will come forward to work with your little one.

Mary Anne