Arm swing while walking/running?

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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Post by Marnie »

Peyton runs exactly like Amy described, elbow bent and tucked in at his tummy.
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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Post by claudia »

Ben's Dad:
I don't recall how old Ben is, but Juliana had a ton of gait issues when she was younger. And she can (and does) still trip over air on a regular basis. However, she has developed into a pretty quick runner, even with her right arm doing all the pumping. Yesterday my kids we having running races and even though she is 4 years younger than her closest siblings, she was right in there.

There are two things that I think help running and gait: horseback riding and bike riding. Juliana's oldest sister taught her to ride a two-wheeler (and i never even thought she'd be able to ride a bike at all!!) about two months ago. She rides every day. I think the biking helps with the reciprocation of the legs, regardless of what the arms are doing.

good luck,
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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Post by GAmom »

My son is 4 and when he runs he stiffens his arm straight as a board. While his left is steady pumping. He will pump his affected arm is you mention it to him and make him aware of it. He too has gait issues and tends to fall over air and his own feet. We have had several bruises and scrapes over these fall but it doesn't seem to bother him a bit. It bothers me more than anyone. Just thought I would share how Brayden runs. I wonder if anyone else's child does this also??

Lorie P
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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Post by Lorie P »

Our son Corey, 8 always runs with his LOBPI arm straight out. It is as if he is charging with a sword. We have finally convinced him he is faster when he swings it, so he tries to remember. But, it is an effort. This year in baseball he was swinging it about 1/3 of the time. A HUGE jump.
Joy in FL
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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Post by Joy in FL »

I keep my arm bent and tucked also. I wear a purse across my body. I can then rest my arm on the purse. If I don't have the purse I put it in my pocket. No swinging.
Joy in FL is now living in Georgia!
Left TBI on October 31, 1991
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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Post by solson »

She runs with her arm tucked in and not swinging. we have mentioned it to her before, "pump your left arm!" and so I see her mentally recalling but having a tough time with it. At least she tries.

She does stumble quite a bit and typically lands with her arm tucked under her which gives her face some clearance from the ground.