Surprise Breakdown

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Surprise Breakdown

Post by Jake'smom »

Ok so my son is 18 months old. I've 18 months to get used to this idea and deal with it, and most of the time, I'm fine. Today in the car I was driving home and all the sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. I can't believe this happened to my son. I was bawling in about 2 seconds. It was weird. Nothing even reminded my of it-just all the sudden i was in tears and thinking about how unfair all of this is. I'm ok now, but I was wondering if this happens to anyone else?? I felt like a crazy woman driving down the highway in tears!
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Re: Surprise Breakdown

Post by ellafunt16 »

ok, this is so weird. i had the exact same thing happen to me on sunday night. all of a sudden i just completely lost it. i could not stop crying even into monday evening. i was watching my daughter as she started to grab at a rattle with her good arm, and it hit me. she was beginning to learn and without her entire body. it felt like the beginning of the end. i said the exact same thing over and over in my head - how could this happen to my child? it is so unfair. it would be one thing if she was born with this or any other disability, but the fact that it was done TO her is what makes it so difficult to accept. i know exactly how you must have felt. i thought i had hit rock bottom. i didn't think that i could feel any worse for my little baby. oh, i wish i could give you a hug! it's times like these that we need each other, and i hope that it comforts you to know that you are not alone in these feelings. all of my thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. take care, and you have my email address, so feel free to vent whenever you need to! lisa
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Re: Surprise Breakdown

Post by brandonsmom »

Hey, I Think it happens to us all. My son Brandon is 9 and it sstill once in a great wile just happens. It actually happened about six weeks ago for me, it was strange my hubby thought it was strange but it happens.
My husband is looking at me wierd, knowing what I am crying about and my little boy says"ITs okay daddy, mommy's are allowed to cry !"