New BPI Mom in WI

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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New BPI Mom in WI

Post by ellafunt16 »

hello! i just gave birth going on 8 weeks ago, and my daughter had severe shoulder dystocia, and thus the BPI. we are very much in shock over the whole thing, and i feel very lost and confused. we have an excellent therapist and are working with a lawyer to sort out potential legal actions, and our daughter will be going to the children's hospital in milwaukee, wi in the next few weeks for evaluation. this whole experience is so emotionally draining, especially while trying to keep up with an 18 month old and a newborn! i am just happy to find a site where other people understand me, and i just wanted to say hello! i look forward to learning so much from you all, and i already appreciate you so much. thanks!
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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by mommieinneed »

Hello and nice to meet you, sorry its under these circumstances. This can def be draining expecially with other children so young I had a 20 month old when I had Maggie. Hope to get to know you and your little one much better.
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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by joseph »

So sorry this happened to your child. I know all to well about the pain that you are feeling. My son was also injured at birth. He's now 11 months old. It's a long hard road and I just want to welcome you and invite you to email me if you ever feel you just need to talk or vent. Make sure you get your baby into Occupational therapy ASAP!
Breonna, Joseph's mama (LOBPI)
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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by brandonsmom »

Although as the ther have said, I am sorry that e had to meet you.
I am the mom of Brandon, now 9 with a ROBPI you have ome to the right place for support and understanding. I remember finding this sight after my son was born, I thought I ad been saved. He was my fourth child and there ws 2 1/2 years between hi and my youngest. It was not easy so I won't tell you that.

I will tell you to enjoy your child, I spent alot of time worrying and to look back for hat. my son does everything every other child does, he has a wonderful peronality and really appreciates life...even at 9. We were at Gurnee Mills and were at the food court, I saw a man with a Brachial Plexus Injury and I whispered to my oldest(16) look at his arm, she did and nodded her head, just then Brandon caught his eye and he said, "MOMMY, look at that guy his arm is like mine, but he doesn't use his much, do you think I should go tell him my name and maybe I Can teach him how to use his arm like I do, besides Mommy, he isn't smiling and you know, he should be happy to be alive" Yes, my son knwos what happened, he asks me and I am always upfront and honest !

Brandon has had two surgeries to repair his arm........he has had numberous hours of OT and PT and numberous more hours at home(When he was little, every change that I got)

I hear Milwaukee has a GREAT BPI program, as a matter of fact, I have been wanting to get Brandon in there just in case, so that he already has been seen there. Where in WI do you live? I live In Illinois (ZION) and if you want I would be willing to meet with you. I have two daughters, one who could entertain your 18 motnh old if you wanted to do like a McDonalds thing. I remember when I saw my first child with BPI I was amazed at how well they do and it made me feel so much better.

GAYLE mom of BRandon ROPBI 9year old

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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by ptrefam »

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter. Take time to enjoy the children while they are young, they grow so fast. I am sure you will feel very overwhelmed but I think finding this site so early will help you deal and learn. My son was injured later in life. We did have him to Milwaukee for the therapy. Paula there has much experience working with BPI and Dustin's therapist here had never seen one before, so we just wanted to make sure she was doing all she should. We are from WI also, Neenah. I have heard the drs at MCH are good, but didn't learn of the until after we went to Mayo so that is where we continue with his treatment.

You will find that all the children here do learn to adapt and seem to live full and happy lives so don't despare. Although some things are harder it seems eventually they accomodate. You will also have lots of support and knowledge to draw from here.

Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by guest1 »

If you would like to talk, my email is My child is 4 months so I can tell you our experiences so far.
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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by ellafunt16 »

thanks so much for the responses. i will keep you posted as to our progress. i am so happy to have found this site. thanks again!

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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: My name is Bridget, my son Brayden has a LOBPI. He was born 5-14-07 and weighted 11lbs 3ozs and was 22inches long and got stuck on my pelvis coming out. All 5 nerves were involved 2 ruptured and 3 avulsed, and also had Horner's Syndrome. He had primary surgery in St. Louis with Dr. Parks when he was 3 months old. He used synthetic materials to fuse the nerves together, because the nerves in his calves were not long enough. Brayden currently does aqua therapy, PT, OT and speech therapy. He has little movement in his arm and hand, but that does not stop him from having fun and being a normal boy!!!
Location: Owensboro, KY

Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by bfaithda »

Hello!! I too am new to this site. My son Brayden is 10 weeks old and was born with total BPI. Brayden is my first child, but my husband has 3 older boys 14,13,and 11, that also live with us. We are having to go to St. Louis to have surgery next month. It has been an over welming experince for me and my family. I know what you are going through, and sorry you have to go through it. We are also seeking legal action. Feel free to email me I have learned some what about this injury. It will be nice just to talk to someone who is going through the samething as me and my family.

Bridget Brayden's mom
Owensboro, KY
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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by LoriV »

We are also in Wisconsin. I have a 2 1/2 year old son with a BPI. He had primary surgery at CHW so we are very familiar with the doctors there. Feel free to email me with any questions or if you just need to talk. Best of luck to you...
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Re: New BPI Mom in WI

Post by Antoinette »

Sorry to hear about your baby's injury. We, too, live in WI(northeast). My son is 4 year old with a LOBPI. I am willing to provde support and share notes.
