Legal Action??

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Legal Action??

Post by adamsmom »

Hi...just wondering if anyone has had the experience of taking legal action against the medical profession responsible for your child's injury??
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by felicia »

We have a case pending. We originally met with the attorneys in March of 2006. We have not even gone to deposition yet. From what I've been told, it can be a very long process (sometimes up to 5 years). I figure we're not going anywhere and I'd rather see what my daughter's longterm outcome will be (she's 22 months now), so I don't mind waiting. A good lawyer will be able to tell you whether or not you have a case.
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by mommieinneed »

Ive let a few lawyers look at Maggies file and finally the last lawyer said the reason we are having such a hard time getting a lawyer is because doctors didn't put how Maggie was born in her file. What doctors can get away with kills me, my daughter shouldn't have to live with something a doctor did without compensation but now we cant get that because doctors lie.

Im sorry it just makes me so mad. Hope you have better luck with your case.
Ben's Dad
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by Ben's Dad »

Where do I start...we sued the doctor in 2002, went to trial in 2005 and lost the trial, appealed the verdict, the appellate court reversed the trial court (about 3 weeks ago) and granted us a new trial, so...back to the courtroom we go. My personal opinion is that the doctors and others in the medical profession rarely take responsibility for their actions, they seem more likely to deny any wrongdoing and take their chances in court. If you are considering legal action, remember, you have a limited time to start the case. If you miss that window, you could lose any chance at recovery for your son.
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by ldeverna »

We have a case pending. According to my lawyer and the medical expert who reviewed our file, we have a pretty strong case. Like the others have said, though it could be years before we actually go to trial. I'm hoping it doesn't even get that far.

Mom to Harper, LOBPI, 8 months old
Ben's Dad
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by Ben's Dad »

Lisa and Felicia,
Please pass along a copy of the decision in our appellate case to your attorneys. It is a New York case and might help you in some way.
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by ldeverna »

I already have :) Thank you for posting it here.

Ben's Dad
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by Ben's Dad »

That's great! I'm glad that this community exists so that we can share important information and help each other. Best of luck with your case.
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by mommy »

I did too Ben's dad. Thanks for info.

Our case starts in mid july.
Ben's Dad
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Re: Legal Action??

Post by Ben's Dad »

mommy, are you a NYer too? Good luck!!! I hope that we all have a good outcome for our kids.