Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by admin »

Nicolas,I have seen Pamela post messages here so hopefully she comes on soon and reads this.
I did email her a few days ago but she has not yet replied.The family in St.Catherines is interested too.I will call the family in Kitchener today....please remind me though.

PAMELA.......if and when you see this,please email Nicolas or me...we want to know if you would be interested in attending and maybe you know of other Canadian families.

Okay,well,time for me to jet...BYE

Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by Albita »

I replied before as guest but my reply did not appear.

Nicolas I have emailed Pamela but sh has not yet replied. I have seen her post messages here though.

Pamela....please email nicolas or me if you are intrested in attending also if you know of any other families that might be interested.

Nicolas...I will call the family in Kitchener today....but please remind me...Thaks
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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by admin »

Hi my name is Tracy, I'm from St.Catharines Ontario.

I've been talking to Albita on the phone. A Canadian picnic sounds great. Count us in. My daughter is now three,and doing great.

Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by Nicolas »

Let go Canadian's !!! just today i heard of another family in our area with a newborn with BPI. Talk to your therapists lets find them if they dont know us !!!

Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by Albita »

Just bringing up this post!

Nicolas,How many families so far?
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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by admin »

just bringing up the post!
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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by admin »

Hi, we're kin Toronto now (originally from Los Aneles), and we would be interested in attending. We went to the San Diego picnic before we moved. It was really fun. Let me know if you schedule something.
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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by TONI(NY) »

Hello there Canadians,

I was wondering,My name is Toni, We live in Rochester, NY, do you mind if we were to attend your picnic. Your's would be closer for us. I have a daughter with a LOBBP. I have been informed by our PT,OT that there are at least 10-15 other families with BPI in my area. I am in the process in getting names and numbers of families to start our own support group.

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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by admin »

anymore people????? come on......
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Re: Interested in a Canadian BPI picnic ?

Post by admin »

we are upto 14 families....we need more!!!!