power wheels and bike riding

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power wheels and bike riding

Post by Tisha1721 »

My daughter is almost 5, she can pedal pretty good but can not steer at all. She also has a power wheel and has the same problems. She gets so upset and frustrated, any suggestions?
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by F-Litz »

I hear ya. My daughter is 9 and she can't steer or balance. We tried, therapists tried, training wheels, no training wheels, tiny bike, feet on the ground - the whole shabang...and it was just too hard and her hand/arm didn't have the strength to do it and she's definitely very much one-sided.

I know that a lot of kids with bpi can ride bikes but my feeling is that each kid's issues are different. Some will be able to and some won't. We try to focus on what she can do rather than push her to try something that's really too difficult and causing her emotional anguish. It's just not worth the stress and I don't want her to lose self esteem over this.
Amy Clark
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by Amy Clark »

My daughter has an awfully hard time steering as well. She is only 5 though. But she petals just fine. She is also quite terrified to fall because she can't throw her arm out to catch herself. We just bought her a scooter last night, and she LOVES it. We got her a little one that is labeled for ages 3-5. She was on it for four hours this morning! I think she feels a lot more in control. It might be something you try. Of course, all of the safety equipment for a bike should also apply to the scooter.
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by hope16_05 »

5 years old is pretty young! She might not have the strength in her unaffected arm yet to handle the steering. I would let her keep trying as she feels comfortable with it. Mostly just have fun!
Amy 20 years old ROBPI from MN
Amy 28 years old ROBPI from MN
Jill - Briana's mom
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by Jill - Briana's mom »

My daughter is a LOBPI who just had her sixth birthday. She had lots of trouble in the beginning with steering. We found that letting her ride her bike in the grass worked very well for her. Being in the grass makes it easier to steer since the handle bars don't wobble as much as on the road. She got a lot of confidence riding in the grass and now she rides all over the cul de sac! She still makes pretty sharp turns toward the affected side! :)

Hope this helps! Jill Mom to Briana Lobpi
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by angelsmom »

Our 4 1/2 year old keep getting so made at her power wheel, she just learned to drive onehanded...lol, Angelina
still needs alot of help sterring her small bike (it has fat wheeled traning wheels on it to help her balance more.
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by F-Litz »

Well this post has opened up a can of worms for Maia and now she wants to try riding again. So tomorrow we go to the store to get a new (and bigger) bike. I also found these bigger training wheels called "fat wheels" and this might help her get over the hump. I'm game!
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by karenohio »

I posted the same info. on the other bike riding thread. I suggested a "tag-a-long" for a younger child (it's a partial bike that hooks onto an adult bike so they tag a long on the back. It might help with balance and confidence.

Another suggestion for an older child so they can enjoy bike riding is to get a tandem so an adult can ride up front and the child behind. Start in a non-busy area away from traffic to see how the child does. The adult would have to be a competent bike rider up front. It's a nice way to include all the kids on family bike rides!
Miah's Mom
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by Miah's Mom »

we have had the same sucess with a scooter as the other family in this thread. Miah will be 4 here in July and loves her little scooter. She keeps trying the bike, and says someday she will be able to ride it just like sissy. Lots of luck and hugs! Tonya
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Re: power wheels and bike riding

Post by parent needing help »

where did you find the fat wheels? Katie too would love to finally ride her bike on the straight and narrow and not in a constant circle!
Christy & Katie Chapman