Son needs help/surgery

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Son needs help/surgery

Post by Dori »

This is my first time visiting this network/forum. I am looking for information about nerve transplants or nerve grafts. My 19 y/o son was in an auto accident 8 months ago and after being lead to believe that it was radial nerve palsy and may have spontaneous recovery, 2 EMG's and one MRI later, it is believed that he now has a brachial plexus injury. What I'm running up against now is a shortage of time and difficulty dealing with insurance to authorize a consult/possible surgery with a highly regarded doctor out of state. Does anyone know of someone in the southeast US that does this type of surgery. We were referred to Dr. Susan Mackinnon at Washington University in St. Louis, and even though she has agreed to accept my son's case, the insurance co. wants to send us elsewhere.

Thanks for any light anyone can shed on dealing with BPI too.
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Re: Son needs help/surgery

Post by njbirk »


You can go to the medical resource directory on this website to find information about bpi specialists all over the U.S.

Nancy Birk
UBPN Secretary
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Re: Son needs help/surgery

Post by Dori »

Thank you for the responses.

Traci, we're from the Charleston, SC area. Luckily, my son does not experience a lot of pain, only when his shoulder dislocates due to his atrophied muscles in his shoulder. He has some function in his left hand, however, he is unable to move his arm or bend his elbow. It is hoped that with the nerve transplant or nerve graft that he may be able to regain some function of his limb again. Please tell me more about your son's experience with his injury, any surgeries, recovery etc. I'm just in the learning phase of all this and unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any resources or doctors in the immediate area that are of help.

Thanks again.
my e-mail is if you'd like to respond there.
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Re: Son needs help/surgery

Post by Robin-TX »

Dr. Rahul Nath - Houston, TX 832-824-3193
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Re: Son needs help/surgery

Post by admin »

Hi Dori. My boyfriend, Tim, just had surgery on Dec 18. He was in a motorcycle accident in Aug near Spartanburg, SC. His sister-in-law and myself work at a hospital outside of Charlotte, NC and we found a really good doctor, Dr. Cowan. He has a practice in Charlotte and in Rock Hill, SC (Carolina Neurosurgery). He performed the surgery in Rock Hill and fortunately the damage was not as severe as first thought. He has two stretched nerves and had some scar tissue that was removed. Dr Cowan was prepared to do nerve grafts if needed but Tim's nerves were already rejuvenating and healing on their own. The prognosis was good (I thought). If there is anything I can do for you let me know. Good Luck.