Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Mica »


I have a question about Olivia, if you don't mind... Since both of our daughters are bilateral OBPIs, I thought you might have some insight into this.

Aria absolutely cannot get her sippy cup to her mouth. Since we just had the primary surgery (end of January) on her right side, she obviously can't use that arm. But, she can't seem to coordinate her left well enough, either.

She has good function on her left - EXCEPT she has absolutely no active external rotation. If her left hand is to her mouth, her elbow is up by her ear. I think this is why she's having such a hard time getting the cup to her mouth - the trumpet sign.

We found a tiny (2 oz) sippy cup and it has handles, so it isn't too heavy for her...

Any tips? Did Olivia figure this out by 10 months, or did she have to wait until she had better external rotation?

I feel bad for her! Aria gets so terribly frustrated with her sippy!

Thank you.

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Re: Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Mica »


Not sure if my e-mail made it to you (been having trouble with it), but I wanted to say thank you for your neat straw/sippy idea!

It was really great of you to share it with me! Can't wait to try it! :)

Olivias mommy

Re: Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Olivias mommy »


I know how frustrating these types of things can be. Aria is still so young- only 10 months. At that age, I was still nursing Olivia, and I am not sure that I even offered her a sippy cup yet. She definately got it, though.

As for sippy cups with handles- Olivia still has trouble with those. One handed (olivia uses her left) they are almost impossible for little ones. They end up all crooked- I am sure you know what I mean. I would try a regular sippy cup without handles. And put something really good in it, so she wants it that much worse.

I know how hard it is to watch your princess struggle- but I am constantly reminding myself that if I don't let her struggle now she will not know how to later. I just try to make sure that she is learning these things now, while I am always around to help her.

As for Olivia- she has definately learned to use the sippy cup. She even helps me make it. Now that she has mastered the potty, she is trying to figure out how to wipe her own bottom- that is a hard one with her active ROM. I am sure we will get it. We are also having trouble dressing and undressing, she gets stuck in her shirts (which is kind of cute and also kind of sad)

Best advice I have is to hang in there. Let her be a baby. She is still so young, and her primary was only 5 months ago. She will get it- it may just take her a little longer.

hope this helps
mom of olivia, 3, Bi-OBPI
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Re: Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Mica »

Thank you, Veronica. This injury is so horrible - the fact that it is both arms makes it even worse.

I appreciate your understanding so much.

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Re: Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Jessica'smom »

Hi Mica,
Just wanted to let you know there are lots of therapy websites that you can access for speech pathologists or OTs that should have some options for you. I'll look for you, but take a peek if you have time. I've used different spoons working with children so I know it's out there.
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Re: Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Jessica'smom » ... ategory=33

Something here might help. She may be a bit young. Shelly
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Re: Paging Veronica - Olivia's mommy

Post by Mica »
