Please help if you can

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
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Please help if you can

Post by Jodi »

I am trying to come up with a list of IEP goals. As big as I possibly can!!!

It would be a lot of help if others could post some goals that have been used in their child's IEPs.

My daughter is 3 1/2 years old but I don't care if the goals are age relevant or not. I plan on showing the school that this will be a life long battle and that BPI should qualify for services.

The school is still trying to tell me that there is no way BPI's qualify for school services. They are saying there is not enough educational relevance. They also say that it is impossible to come up with measureable goals to be included in the IEP.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks Jodi
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by lesleyjane »

Hello, my name is Danielle, I have a 5 month old daughter who has BPI, she has been denied SSI, but we have since been contacted by Services For Children With Special Health Care needs. I am not sure where you are from but I do know that the State we live in our paper work came from Kansas Dept. Of Health & Environment. I have been doing a lot of research on this because it has been such a disablitating disablity for our daughter. We also are trying to get into a program for infant and toddlers, so that when our daughter is old enough to go to school, the school will be informed and understand exactly what BPI is and that it does limit her to certain things, etc. To my understanding with this program, they feel it qualifies for school services. Maybe you ought to try to educate your school on what BPI is and how it affects your child, you, and others around you. I hope I have given you some information that will help. I know I didn't give you any goals but maybe some of this info. can help. Thank you, Lesley Jane' Mom (Danielle)
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by Susie »

LESLEYJANE - Isn't is normal for SSI to deny almost anyone the first time you apply? Do our babies/children normally qualify for SSI with BPIs?
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by Kathleen »


Thanks for the Education information. We have just started a support group here in NY and one of the parents who is not online is fighting the school system. They told her that she does not qualify because she can speak and read and learn with obpi.
I will print it out and give it to her I hope it helps with her battle.

Has anyone had success with New York State Education Dept. gaining PT/OT during school hours?
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by lesleyjane »

She maybe able to read, speak and learn but what about the movement of the part of the body that is injured, with the disablities like this school systems don't understand that that is what is affected, in being able to do the same things as normal kids who aren't injured.
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by annedefiance »

Hey Jodi, for me, its kinda hard to say exactly what to tell them not knowing what your daughter is or isn't able to do. If it were me, I would talk about how she needs to be able to use that arm for support, i.e. monkey bars, any surgeries she may have had, get letters from your Dr. OT/PT if any, any one who has dealt with her. Talk about what she isn't able to do, I hate to say this but just this one time, dwell on the negative, make sure they know any tiny little thing she can't do.
As for the SSI question, when we applied for our son, he was approved in just over a month, it may have to do with the case worker. The one thing they told me when applying was list anyone who wasn't family, that had seen him, and BOY did I!!!! I even included the nurses on the maternity floor who took care of us. I hope this help at least some. Good luck.
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by Jodi »

Rich- Thank you so much. The goals are great. I have started a list of things Bailey can not do. I am going to keep adding to it everytime I see or think of something.
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Re: Please help if you can

Post by Jodi »

My daughter is 3 1/2. She was in a great birth to 3 program until she turned 3. It was ran through the Dept. of Health. Now she is turned over to the School (because she turned 3). We live in Washington State. I know of quite a few others with BPI that qualify for and receive services in the school system. The problem seems to be that we live in a very small school system that has not dealt with BPI I am trying to educate them the best I can. It is taking a lot of work.

Also my daughter did qualify for SSI from the time she was about 3 months until my husband started making too much money. She was about 2 or so. She did qualify the first time we submitted the paperwork.
I guess everything depends on the caseworker or person in charge. There is definately no universal answer.

Good Luck.