Lawsuits won??

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Lawsuits won??

Post by joseph »

I'm curious, how many of you have sued and how many have won? What was the "straw that broke the camel's back".
Breonna, Joseph's mommy (LOBPI)
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by Mare »

you can read about frankies case and others won by the lawyer we used just search Carol Forte click on 1st site New Jersey Personal Injury lawyers and Attorneys click on read about more verdicts scroll down to carols name go to Spring of 2000 BPI case that's Frankies Mare
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by brandonsmom »

We setled out of court in FEDERAL court, because my son wa born in a military hospital. We had two totally different sets of records....however, they sent all the doctors and corpman to IRAQ for two years , two months before our trial was set to begin. We chose to settle out of court, because by the time, we would get a nother trial Brandon would have been 7 !!! And I just wanted on with my life !!! GAYLE

I should add that the attorney that settled for us, was not the original attorney we picked. He turned us down after taking our case.

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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by smallick »

Wow Mare, sure wish I lived in NJ. California law stinks...It is interesting the figures stated on her website for BPI, actually its awesome, My son will never come even close to that..
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by claudia »

We settled out of court...never got anywhere near a trial.

I'm not sure there is one "straw". In our case, the doctor lied at every turn--depos, med records, the whole deal. His lawyers didn't want to come close to a court room, they were ecstatic to settle. We were ecstatic with the amount! Plus, I wasn't looking forward to a trial.

We had a fabulous lawyer. We really trusted him and he had a lot of experience. However, as with many med mal lawfirms, they only take the cases that they feel will win. I know people who have gone to them and been turned away because the case isn't as clear as ours was.

good luck,

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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by Tisha1721 »

We settled out of court about 4 months before our trail. We had a video of the birth so i think they would have done whatever it took to settle because you could see every little thing that went wrong on the video. Good luck if you are in a lawsuit, they are long and stressful but worth it in the end for our children.
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by shlecki »

We also settled 4 months before court. It was 5yrs of lies after lies and then he broke when we sat in on his last deposition (not it was his 3rd story of what happen). The amount in Louisiana was sorry but we got it anyway but the best of all we have coverage for any medical bill dealing with this injury through Patient Compensation Fund. They also refund mileage for doctors visits and therapy. I thank God he will always be able to have that.
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by smallick »

What is the patients compensation fund?? Sounds interesting. Is it only in LA?
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by shlecki »

Its an insurance that the doctor has to carry in case of Mal-practice. This is what compensates the patient for the injury.
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Re: Lawsuits won??

Post by Karrie&Kyle »

We settled out of court. We had one trial that ended in a mistrial and were supposed to go back to trial the following year, but they approached us about settling. Their first offer they made us, wouldn't even have covered half the cost of his surgery, so I told them we would see them back in court. After much mediation we came to an agreeable amount. It took 5 years and one mistrial to finally settle. The settlement amount will vary greatly from city to city. If we lived in Baltimore or D.C. we could have gotten more. It all depends on the cost of living in your city. But I feel Kyle's settlement was fair. It will never change the outcome of his arm though. Take care.
Karrie in Maryland