Physical Activity!

Treatments, Rehabilitation, and Recovery
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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by Tyson »

Since being LTBPI I have been able to get on the ice and skate with my family and I am going to play soccer this summer. I find that if your an active person with this injury you should try to get back being active. It takes away the pain. Im only 9 months post injury but it does feel like it's been years with the injury.just keep your head high.
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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by bellis »

I'd like to start walking again for cardio health etc and wonder if the arm slings aleviate pain or are they used for other reasons? I stopped walking to avoid pain and all the other bad stuff caused by the pain.
I was thinking that maybe I'd get relief in a sling but when I was taped by the chiropractor, the tape pulled the shoulder back and I had some relief. A sling pulls the shoulder forward. More brachcon (brachial confusion!) Any one have thoughts on this?

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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by Shorts »

Slings are ued to keep the shoulder from subloxing (pulling the arm from the shoulder 'socket').

Early on a sling did help carry the weight. However I have recovered enough strength back that I didn't need to wear one.

Slings will also keep the arm somewhat controllable and safe.

Re: Physical Activity!

Post by wazza »

Here is my AC sling I use to pull the shoulder "back in place" for my subluxed shoulder when I need to walk/move about any 'good distance' ... C00275.jpg

It REALLY helps, puts my rather bad subluxed shoulder back in place so I can walk etc :) Still fatigues me easily than normal but I can do a LOT more than not wearing that sling... :)

Re: Physical Activity!

Post by trr_amesh »

After read your reply i got confident. I thought after TBPI is not possible to ride the bike and play the shuttle. Thanks for the same.

In addition, 1) When you have started to ride a bike, after your Prime or secondray surgery.
2) how long time it has taken to ride after the surgey.
Can you tell the approximate months.

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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by ptrefam »

Dustin had a sling that was like a cuff that went around the bicep, it then had velcroe straps we could adjust. We were able to pull the shoulder almost back to normal positioning with it. It didn't restrict any movement and could be worn under clothes. This was when he was nearly 2 fingers sublexed. Fortunately his shoulder has strengthened enough that he no longer wears a sling.
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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by ptrefam »

If you read you will see that people with this injury lead full lives. They can do nearly anything they set their minds too. Many on here are very active in sports and execizes. Dustin is not able to do as much in this area as his accident also caused a brain injury. He is not as coordinated as before the accident, but is learning to run again. Of course this scares me cuz I don't want him to fall and break his LTBPI arm, but I keep my mouth shut cuz I know it is important he try. This summer he wants to try the bike again, last summer he didn't have the balance to be able to do it. But I think he will be able to this summer. Good luck to you too.
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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by EllenB »

Hi Ramesh,

John was back on his bike by two months post-surgery. At that point, he took his bike out to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for a week camp for disabled cyclists, as at that point he had plans for track racing at the Paralympics.

A few months after that, he kind of "forgot" he was one handed and tried to 'throw' his bike across the finish line in an impromptu race with his coach. That resulted in him losing control & a hard fall that broke his collarbone. Oh well!

Take care & best of luck.

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Re: Physical Activity!

Post by Fredrick »

I am waiting to recieve the special slings. In the mean time I have hit the gym and have establish a routine. Can I say that I am sore! But in a good way. I have tried a very light jog, but find it difficult with the sling I have and having to hold my arm every now and then. I have also experimented riding a bike and am able to hold my own. I am sure that when I receive my new slings, biking and jogging and what ever physical activity I endeaver will be easier. Thanks everyone for posting. Ramesh, I am 16 months post nerve graft.

Re: Physical Activity!

Post by trr_amesh »



What type of Slings you are using. In India the TBPI people are using slings will hold the hand with help of neck. It means the same tie with neck.

Wearing the slings is also one more pain and mental stress.

so you can suggest any other type of slings is available in market. if possible give the Brand name, Type and cost.

Thanks to all.