why so many lawsuit?

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
tina arvizu
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by tina arvizu »

For me personally, it is not about money- yet. We are doing ok with the bills so far. But I have learned through this experience that I do not know what tomorrow will bring.

The biggest reason for me is to make it public record. The only way to stop things like this is to make them public record. This should be on my OBGYN's record for the public to review. I check out doctors records now! I want to see if there are any wrongful death suits for example. If my lawsuit stops just one child from being injured then maybe Gabrielle can look at herself in a different way. She may have helped a little baby and she can be proud of that.

H.G. Wells said "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." My history changed and catastrophe struck because of my lack of knowledge. Maybe I can change someones history for the better with my story. No one will learn anything if we all keep our mouths closed. Remember when nobody knew what AIDS was?????? I do.

Your opinion is your own and I total respect that. But again, by asking your question you have gained knowledge!
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by admin »

"The biggest reason for me is to make a public record." That means you will not be willing to settle and agree to keep the terms of the settlement secret? You will demand a public trial to get a guilty verdict?
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by admin »

The audacity that I don't enjoy my child just like she is is ludacris. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with it. I have been harrassed twice by this physician, left my job, and he has not had to pay for his mistakes. Each of our situtations are different. The reason I am doing it??? For every one of my childs smiles and tender love... because, she is number one in my book and as her parent I will go to any extreme for her. We lost to a bunch of liars!!! That is the only thing I won't be able to explain to my child. That peers of our community looked right at her and decided for the lying doctor. All I wanted was for him to be guilty, to be held responsible, not the money, I didn't care if it was 10 bucks!!! We lost, but yes, I would go through all this heartbreak and misery again, why??? FOR HER! Don't tell me to "look at my child and see"... I could snap at the audacity that I don't see her for more than an OBPI. God put her in my life for a reason.
Natalee (Logan's Mom)
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by Natalee (Logan's Mom) »

I do not have the need or time to defend myself with this question. I did it for my daughter, she is my life, OBPI's are now my God-given soapbox and I will do all I can for the cause. The statement that would suggest I not enjoy my daughter for who she is is ludacris.
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by sharlon »

of course its not all about the money. its about making change. making someone take responsibility for what they have done. for me as our lawsuit moves forward i just as concerned that the truth comes out and that the hospital changes its policy about disclosing information truthfully to patients, i hope to make changes that will benefit other mothers children and anyone who is a victim of mistakes, to help make their lives better. further some people make the argument that the reason that medical costs are so high is because of lawsuits, i say that if people don't pursue higher standards of care then eventually we might all be victims and the cost of treating damages is a lot higher than providing quality heath care to begin with
Anna G
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by Anna G »

doctors have not taken everything away because although it is going to be harder to live, it makes me more determined to show that i am no diffeent to somebody with two "normal" hands
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by christy »

do we not teach our children that one must pay the consequences, dance the to the tune, etc...It has nothing to do with greed, revenge or hatred. But there are many things in life that our children will need because an error was made and due to this error they will not be able to provide these needed services for themselves. And even if the results do not become "public" record--it becomes so with their insurance companies and beleive me after so many claims settled the docs are going to be put on the spot with those companies. Just as a local doc just had to leave practice because her ins would not renew her and she couldn't find another to take her. While her ins paid out for some settlements and did not make it public record it became quite public when she had to close her practice, send out all those letters PLUS the paper doing a big write up about it trying to "help" her out. HA, they helped her alright! BTW--I don't think most bpi families would ask this question
pamela 2
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by pamela 2 »

I live in Canada and thank God for our access to medical care. I am not suffering the double whammy of dealing with the stress of an injured child and financial hardship. However I am considering pursuing a malpractice case. Every specialists visit when I find out more information about my daughters injury, I become more convinced that there is a need to do so. I could care less about the money, I would only hope to come out even on the law expenses. the need to go to court stems from the senselesness of BPI. My baby was injured because my Dr. made a mistake. Not only did the Dr. make a mistake, he and none of the medical people I turned to for help would answer any of my questions honestly and with some compassion. A law suit at this point would satisfy my need that the medical community be held accountable for injuring children.
The only thing that keeps my outrage in check is my kooky, strong willed little girl, she's the greatest.
I do not forget though that she was needlessly hurt and the limitations that she struggles against should have been prevented.
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by Savannahsmom »

A Double Amen!! This is the only way I feel my child will ever get any form of justice for the crime that has been committed against her. And to teach a doctor who thinks he is God, a lesson.
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Re: why so many lawsuit?

Post by admin »

Because it's our right, if we so choose, and I thank God for that.

It doesn't need to be explained or justified.