Scapula shaving?? Need info.

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Logan's Mom (Natalie)
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Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by Logan's Mom (Natalie) »

Hi all, and a special hi to Francine and Nancy!!
It's been a LONG time since I have been here. My OBPI baby is now 8 1/2 and in the second grade. She is on a competitive dance squad, in student council, reading 500 club, making straight A's, and is popular kiddo. So for all you new OBPI parents, hang in there, do not stop pushing your child as you would have done without the injury. We have come a long way from the initial shock and pain the first few years of her life brought us with this injury. She has continued to amaze us. She has NOT let her injury get her down.
We have been told that Logan needs her scapula shaved (Dr. Nath) since she has severe scapular winging as a "side effect" of her Mod Quad when she was 17 months. We desperately need info about this surgery: why is it indicated, what should we expect as the end result, the recovery period, how long should we expect to be in Houston, does she need this surgery by a certain age and anything else you can think of!!!
It is so good to see some of you are still here helping new parents... it takes me back.. (tears)
Hugs to you all!!
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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by brandonsmom »

My son is 8 1/2 and was recommended for Scapula Shaving too, however, Dr. Nath told us if it were his child that he would leave it alone because for Brandon it was only for cosmetic purposes. He told us that later if it is a bother to Brandon then we could have it done. His scapula protrudes alot, but doesn't bother him, only me. I had asked Dr. Nath at a clinic when he came to Chicago, so I think he felt like he had to give me an anwswer. Although as a mom I Was NOT ready to hear the "S" word again, so I Was happy that is was offered, but not required. You probably should ask Dr. Nath, why it is being done, he may see something that we as parents may not, and ask him about the age requirements, although I feel this is one that is okay for awhile unless of course it is doing damamge.

Sorry, about the long winded, round and round explanation. I Have had sick kids home since Thursday and now school wasa cancelled because of the cold !!!!

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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by njbirk »

Hi back to you!

I can't help you with the surgery question but others will chime in who have experience with this, I'm sure.

Just wanted to say that it is good to hear from you and I'm happy that Logan is doing so well. She will continue to amaze you.

Nancy Birk
UBPN President
Logan's Mom (Natalie)
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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by Logan's Mom (Natalie) »

Thanks for the info.
I had asked Dr. Nath and he did say it was "not a cosmetic surgery", that it was something that was more than just for looks. I don't know if having a girl is different: she is just starting to voice some concerns about how the shoulder looks in her swimsuit, etc.

Another question to you all: when do your children/daughters start becoming insecure about this (which I am sure is dependent on the child) and what have you done to help them through this?? We don't talk about her injury on a daily basis, or even weekly, she rarely brings it up, we rarely bring attention to it or tell her she is limited in any way. We feel she is just a normal kid... but when she brings it up, which is rare, we openly talk about it.

Thanks, Nancy ((((hugs)))) to you
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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by brandonsmom »

I think this is different boy vs girl. Brandon doesn't care that his arm is different, he thinks that his scars are cool and frequently shows them to kids that ask about his arm. We too don't bring it up and now don't barely talk about least in a negative way. He has had two surgeries and looks pretty darn good from my point of view. Most people cannot even tell, but kids are still mean and pick on him about the way he runs....arm up in the air. I think girls in general are more self consious of themselves. Brandon could care less.

I would seriously e-mail Dr. Nath about your concerns...because I think here again that every child is different and you need to see what his plan is for Logan !!!! He is awesome at answering any questions you may have !
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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.



I think in some form or another it effects boys and girls. My son is almost 13 and yes he does get selfconcious sometimes especially with his shirt off...but I also think it bothers me alot more than him!.....good luck...
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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by F-Litz »

Hi Natalie,

There's a mom who got really great results for scapular winging by strengthening the back muscles of her son. You can read about them on Richard is now 15 I believe and I saw him recently and the changes he's made were incredible. Yes - it took a lot of work, there was therapy and e-stim and bracing, etc.
It's those pesky little rhomboids that you really have to get going. Richard looks just great and the difference is like night and day. -francine
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Re: Scapula shaving?? Need info.

Post by katep »


For a procedure as new as this one, I would insist on an explanation that you would then double-check with at least one other specialist. The surgeon should also be able to put you in touch with other parents whose children have had the procedure so you can get an idea of what benefit they might have derived from it.
