Dr. John Grossman

Forum for parents of injured who are seeking information from other parents or people living with the injury. All welcome
Sidney's Mom
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Dr. John Grossman

Post by Sidney's Mom »

We are working with a pediatric neurosurgeon, John A. Grossman, out of Miami, Florida. Has anyone else worked with him? We've also contacted Dr. Scott Kozin at the Shriner's hospital in Philly, PA. Anyone familiar with him?

Thanks for you input!
Sidney's Mom
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by Sidney's Mom »

I did do a search on the message board and found a lot of threads from 2001 to 2005. Are there any parents out there working with Dr. Grossman now? My dealings with the office staff have been a nightmare. Most recently, they sent us a letter stating Sidney was scheduled for surgery on November 8th. She had not yet completed the nerve conduction and we had only met with Dr. Grossman and Ms. Ramos once. They did not contact us to tell us they had tentatively scheduled the surgery. We went for our second appointment and Dr. Grossman stated he is putting off the surgery until after a four week follow up appointment, because she has had some improvements in her mobility. When I told him we were looking into a second opinion, he was visibly and verbally offended. He has lost his touch with the human side of this situation, and that really bothers me. Am I overreacting?
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by m&mmom »

Our son is a patient of Dr. Kozin's. We have had nothing but positive experiences with him.

I have not ever consulted with Dr. Grossman so I can't offer an opinion there, but I do think second and third opinions are important and I do not think a doctor should be upset if you seek one.

Good luck with your decision, any type of decision for treatment of this injury is a tough one.

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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by LoriV »

We see Dr. Kozin and really like him as well. My 2 year old will be having surgery with him next week.

We consulted 4 doctors before our son had primary last year. I personally would have a hard time staying with a doctor that did not want me to seek out other opinions. Just my opinion, though.

Best of luck to you - I know how hard it is to find a doctor you like/trust.
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by Lenni »

I agree that no Doctor should be offended when a patient or their parents express their right to seek other opinions. How uncomfortable that must of been for you. Good Luck and keep on asking questions and seeking opinions.

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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by GiannasMom »

Hello! My daughter has had surgery with Dr. Grossman and I highly recommend him. I do have to say that his bedside manner is not the best but his work is EXCELLENT! I think that is why he has Lorna Ramos there...to be his bedside manner. My daughter has had nerve transfer with him, she could only lift her arm slightly at 9 months (when her surgery occured) and now at 2 years she can put her hand behind her head..its amazing to see! Please feel free to email me if you wanted to talk further!
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Tanya in NY
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Injury Description, Date, extent, surgical intervention etc: I am Mom to Amber, injured at birth. I serve on the Board of Directors for UBPN, and am a labor/delivery nurse, too.
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by Tanya in NY »

I cannot offer a personal opinion on Dr. Grossman as we've never had an interaction with him or his staff.

I can speak from personal experience about Dr. Scott Kozin. We've taken our daughter, Amber, to see Dr. Kozin for a couple years now with only the best of experiences with him and his staff. He's gotten down on the floor with her, always included her in everything (even at the age of 18 months), gave us ample time and opportunity to ask questions, always answered our questions (and Lord knows we asked them), promptly called us or emailed me back, and has been a wealth of information and knowledge. In my opinion, he has been a wonderful asset to our daughter's care. He even went so far as to give us his personal phone number in case we felt the need to contact him during the night on the evening of Amber's surgery since the ACR had just been changed to an outpatient surgery and we would be therefore staying in a hotel overnight with her instead of in the hospital. That is dedication and concern in my opinion. When the original MRI images showed Amber's shoulder was subluxed, he ENCOURAGED us to get a 2nd and even 3rd opinion BEFORE deciding on surgery for her, that way we could make the best decision for our daughter. I believe he does have the best interest of our children at heart here.

Just my opinion. I'm a fan.

Tanya in NY
Amber's Mom, ROBPI, finally 4 years old
Tanya in NY
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by Mare »

we had Dr Grossman as our Dr when he was at NYU did explority surgery said to amputate the arm at the shoulder nothing could be done the nerves were pulled out at the root 3 months later we were at TCH having the primary surgery Dr Laurent saved my sons arm and we are now in Texas having the Mod Quad tomorrow with Dr Nath
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by danarum »

My daughter has seen Dr Grossman who also works with Dr Pric(from NY). I personnally love both of these Dr's. Dr Grossman is a quite one, but I agree with someone earlier that that is why Lorna is around. Dr Grossman is not knife happy, and he did Sabrina's nerve graphing surgery at 6months, and Dr Price just performed a nerve transfer this past year. My only complaint is with the office staff. They do not communicate very well. If you have any questions feel free to email me.
My name is Dana, and my daughter's name is Sabrina and she is 6years old.
Good luck in your decision.
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Re: Dr. John Grossman

Post by Mica »


I don't know if you still need opinions, but our daughter just had primary surgery with Dr. Kozin a few days ago. Like a previous post, our family has had only positive interactions with Dr. Kozin. We are also fans.
I wrote a longer post about Aria's primary surgery under the "new member" topic, if you want to know more about our experience.
However, in short, Dr. Kozin and his staff are knowledgable, compassionate, and their communication is excellent.
Hope this helps...